The Most Serene Republic - [Oh] God - Directed by Graydon Sheppard

view The Most Serene Republic's "[Oh] God"
This is my first video. The band was looking for something non-narrative where they got to be themselves and perform in a different way. Thanks for looking.
Nice. Lot of -how shall I say?- semi-spacesymmetries in not so many different spaces (shorter, but this sounds, as if I didn't like it: nice pictures). And the band is charming. I want to drink a beer with them.
not ugly, but what is it that makes this irritating? the track?
As you move forward I'd recommend straying as much as you can from the Wes Anderson 80's type art direction; everybody's being influenced by it these days. It's going to hold you back me thinks. The milk stuff was interesting. I haven't seen that before. But it doesn't really fit with the rest of the video. I noticed the shampoo going down the drain; that's a loose tie-in to the milk but I think you could have gone further with it. That said it still pretty. -j
the video is cute the song is the worst.
Sorry Spreech, man... You'll have to wait another year before you wet your wistle with them, they're under age.
I like the face-in-milk element- it has a soft feel, but also a graphic xerox quality
I dont think that was Wes Anderson'esque at all, people just dress like that these days, 80's is back (you didn't get the memo?). I did like the faces in milk, and underwater is usually cool regardless, but felt the video was lacking a real substance and cohesion. Not a bad first vid though.
p.s. Graydon, although I thought the work on your page is stronger than this piece, you REALLY got to make it easier to get out of your website man, I had to reboot. Cheers.
really good work.
I don't know if it's just me, but most of the time I look at videos for their visual appeal. And this had tooons of it. I also love the band and am very excited that they made use of that wonderful title of their CD. This is the best video I've seen in probably two months. Excellent stuff, I'm looking forward to seeing more!
I worked on this video and Wes Anderson references were never thrown around as inspiration. I can now see how people might think "Wes Anderson" but it has nothing to do with the directors vision; it just happens to be the aesthetic that resulted after compromising with the band.
I don't see anything whatsoever reminscient of Wes Anderson, and I should know as the reigning ripoff artist.
There is a reason why Anderson's films seem nostalgic, or retro... It's because they themselves are a pastiche. Even Rushmore has an obscure reference to Michael Mann's 'Heat' of all things. The capitalization of surnames in his credits are a complete artifice from French movies. This is in no way meant as a slam against his work and talent, which is obvious. But it is obvious that he has studied a lot of great movies and borrowed and collaged many different devices from them and put his original signature on them.
I just think there's no there, there.... Especially in this case.
Beautifully shot piece, too.
it's the font (futura), more than the capitalisation. and if i'm not mistaken, they're a homage to kubrick and classic italian cinema (viz kottke).
Didn't really like it. The milk stuff was very much like Chris Cunningham's 'Rubber Johnny'.
I don't know, I appreciate the effort but neither track nor the video grabbed my attention.
it's a great video, keep it up. don't change your vision / style based on what the local antville critics say