Belle Genvieve, Terri Timely

Here is a little short thing we just finished. It is not exactly a music video but it does have some Schubert playing in the background.
what kind of budget did you have for art direction, props, etc? what did you shoot that on? how long did it take to do this? what was the motivation behind it?
It cost $250,000 (the art direction.) We got a deal on the 70mm film though. We shot it in just under three weeks. We wanted to create a meditation on the male gaze-repressed Francophile dialectic.
wow you guys are rich.
I really hope you're joking terri.
You should have a screening at the IMAX theater. Would be cool in 3D too.
I noticed there are no black people in this.
I like the idea but the angle at which you reveal the mannequins is jarring.... there is a breakdown in spatial logic which hampers the reveal.
I agree Terri. There is definitely a breakdown occuring. I think its in your spatial logic. Scrap it and start over then maybe you can reveal your hamper or something.
How in the world were you able to do this with an art direction budget of only $250,000? Move over Robert Rodriguez, there's a new frugal auteur in town!
I heard they did a massive busking run across the LES for three weeks to come up with the other half of the budget.