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"To be Alone with You" dir. Leah Dieterich

This is definitely not an authorized Sufjan video. It's spec; a sketch of a short film I am making. I hope to find a way to get usage on the song, but we'll see...

progosk, April 14, 2006 at 12:04:55 PM CEST

although stop-motion's currently in danger of cresting, it's a fair choice for the track. and while the cabinet idea gives you a pretty little stage, i'd say you really need to develop (and, crucially: storyboard!) this in order to get something less random. the ballerina figurine's cute, and it's nice when she breaks out of her 2 dimensions (arms, though, not head...), but as is, her movements and the wandering dresses are somewhat pointless - when they're not too literal: "they took your clothes..." why did you choose not to use the cups&saucers (they look like they moved accidentally)? this cabinet needs more magic/purpose. (i liked the varying light.)

leahdieterich, April 14, 2006 at 4:40:47 PM CEST

i fully agree about the need for storyboard. like i said, its a sketch. i need more footage to work with, and i have more characters as well that i could employ, but i need to develop more types of movement for them. the head moving doesn't work, you're right, too. thank you so much for the advice.

jesse.ewles, April 14, 2006 at 6:39:20 PM CEST

Ah, one of my favourate albums; especially the title track. I don't think particular cut has has anything to do with ballarinas though. Might just be me. Say, you might consider fishing around myspace for a band you like that deserpately needs a free video. That way you can get new materail, free from copy right issues and also help out a fellow upincomer. Criss-cross. -j

leahdieterich, April 14, 2006 at 7:03:11 PM CEST

excellent idea. i will definitely look into that. i usually can't stand even going near myspace, but this would be a good reason to. - L

progosk, April 14, 2006 at 7:45:41 PM CEST

leah, for some reason these guys came to mind: travel by sea, specifically a song that you can download here (it's from their myspace page - avoid that place like the plague!). it's called "come back to you". (never quite figured out what i like about them. i stumbled across them through a mistaken link, and got sort of stuck.)

leahdieterich, April 14, 2006 at 10:20:54 PM CEST

thanks dude. ill check them out.

glayvin, April 14, 2006 at 10:34:56 PM CEST

Video looks quite good..Although the choppy motion of the animation is a look on its own (looks like around each still is about 6 frames?) I may suggest doing it closer to 2-4 frames MINIMUM...for a little smoother look, as well, I agree with Progsk in that we want to see the dishes moving, as well as maybe when the cupboards close, they could open back up with a totally different scenario going on inside...Just a thought..keep it up.

leahdieterich, April 14, 2006 at 10:53:52 PM CEST

glayvin- it is 6 frames. i think more per sec would be preferable. again, when i reshoot, ill storyboard and make sure to have enough material for whatever song i end up using to be able to do more fps. i do kind of like the choppyness though, but at least if i had more footage i'd have the option to do one or the other.

rearranging the dishes is a good idea. especially when the cabinet reopens and it's essentially a different scene. i think it might be nice to have them dance as well in a way, or engage with the doll at the very least. thanks for the feedback. so helpful.

otaku-house, April 15, 2006 at 10:02:58 AM CEST

Leah -

I in no way mean to dissuade you from pursuit. I have been told that Sufjan has no interest whatsoever in videos, from people who work with him. Bummer for all of us, but you have to respect his decisions I feel.

That said, you never know as he is a surprising and kind person and maybe would give you permission.

But given the valuable feedback you've had here, and are thinking of retooling this piece I second the idea of finding a band and a song who would like a video and take this idea to it. You never know where the band might go, and it's better to work to music you know you can use for the sake of timing everything. Engage the music to what's going on. How you people do that with animation, I'll never know, and am amazed by.

I have to say that you really should take it at twos at the least. There is a glut of stop motion right now; and seeing Adam's beautiful Wolf Parade video is a good reminder of the return you get on hard work.

Keep at it; make sure to show us the finished piece.

quixoticnyc, April 15, 2006 at 3:31:26 PM CEST

So I took a look at the rest of the directors site. I that is John. Anyhow, interesting stuff. I really dig the re-working of the LeCorbusier Maison project. Cheers

leahdieterich, April 15, 2006 at 6:08:31 PM CEST

quixoticnyc- im hosting it on my husband's site. glad you liked his work. thanks!

and otaku, ill have to check that wolf parade vid, can't recall seeing it yet. thanks so much for the great advice. im already checking myspace (much to my dismay) for unsigned bands.


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