Supercar - Be (PV)

This video I love even more than the other Supercar video.
Please if you know who directed these clips let me know.
The title cards refer to people our goalkeeper has known throughout life. The version I saw had English subtitles.
this is fucking fantastic
Both the Supercar videos were directed by Gen Sekiguchi at Tugboat Tokyo (I think it's the production arm of Dentsu, or it used to be). Genius.
excellent, this one. the other one creeped me out.
This one sucks compared to the other. the premise is funny, but too simple and slow and not very well executed. Boring and stupid.
kevathens: perhaps that which "creeps you out" is that which you find interesting and you can think about why. This should provide hours of entertainment.
it hit all the right notes for me. i thought the execution was excellent (pun intended ;P)
Fucking brilliant!! I love how he deliberately shanks the shot for his boss. Both of the Supercar videos are some of the best I've seen in a while. I wish someone could find the english subtitled version.(or translate)
Oh no way, Sekiguchi? Director of Survive Style 5?
Kev, the other video creeped you out but you may have missed a cultural reference within it. Mazinger Z!

Actual kid's robot show from the 70s which featured a male robot who could fire his fists and a female robot who could shoot her boobs.
Here are some of the titles I kinda remember:
My best friend My father My mother My sister My boss Girl who served me ramen Porn star I like My pet turtle The band who made this song My wife (certain this was the last one)
Father that I owe so much to Mother that I owe so much to Sister that I owe so much to Grandfather Grandmother Friend Friend's friend Friend's friend's friend Boss at work High-school principal Local convienient store clerk Cafeteria lady Ikitsuki faily restaurant's waitress Nurse from hospital First love The taxi driver from yesterday That foreign guy that asked me directions The girl I did once THe guy that did me once That couple I see frequently J Leager Pet turtle Alien I owe so much to AV actress I owe so much to Supercar Wife That J-Leager from the Mariners
I watched the first part of the vid, got the dealio, then felt obliged to skip the middle and just watch the end....just not enough there to sit all the way through although I did think it was fresh and all, just not enough substance and layers....MORE MEATY!
glayvin: did you skip the part where the porn star blows the gun?
nice editing, good premise. very jrock. it does remind me of survive style 5+ in a big way. wouldnt be surprised if it was Gen Sekiguchi...
soembody find a quicktime!
kev: the other one creeped you out? i found this one harrowing...
Very much so. But how often do you see depictions of titty rockets? Just kinda creepy. I have yet to see Mazinger Z. My titty rocket expertise is at an all-time low.