Metamorphs - Stepping Stones dir. CDUB

this is a video i directed and would like to get some critical feedback.
cool track. cool job, overall.
if you can still re-edit: i'd reallocate your three main locations with respect to the three rappers - your fairly equal distribution makes for creeping visual boredom. hoodierapper looks meanest under the archways (and kinda lame on the roof); dreadlockrapper is great on the roof; crewcutrapper could be mainly on the alleyway. (i don't mean 100% redistribution, just weighted-towards. with the turntablist as the recurring base).
minor points: the camera-stop-whiteframes at the beginning are a little tired; the projection on the blinds was interesting;
again: i like the look of it. but there's definitely potential to make this tighter.
looks beautiful, but where's the "idea"?
does it always need an idea? looks great as a performance piece - thats the idea i guess. i think its pretty slick, impressive editing though i agree with progosk about the divvying up of the locations, though perhaps not to the point of it becoming chapters - though i imagine to an extent that was dictated by the nicer shots being selected for the cut rather than with a sense of any 'locale plot' as such. its good - very professional, slick, mtv busy & though its also familiar for all these ingredients -especially the film flashes - it works & keeps it moving along nice. id suggest you leave it & move on & do whatever youd ideally do to fix it up on the next promo. Maybe look at working on getting your own 'thing' in there visually, but thats something that'll no doubt come naturally over time. Good stuff.
I agree with progosk that the locations are the main problem with the video. Towards the middle of it you start to realize that there are really only three performance locations in the video, rooftop, alley, and overpass. The video starts off great with a lot of energy but once you realize nothings changing then boredom starts to set in. It could of benefited by from more varied locations or a greater inclusion of non-performance footage. I think progosk makes a good suggestion though, it might break up the staticness of the middle parts. In spite of that one complaint I still like the video. It's got slick cinematography and a good amount of "energy."
Agreed, see above. Overall this is great! Cinematography is excellent. I would easily add this. (programmer lingo)
That first guy kinda looks like El-P, kinda like Ruben Fleischer...
thanks alot for the feedback. I agree that it starts to get repetetive after a while. We made this video for NO money and had a definite lack of resources. This is the bands first video, and it was meant to be a performance video to show their energy. . I really just went for the best performance in any of the locations that i had. But making it more weighted is a good idea....
oh yeah kevathens, totally agree on the El-P comment!!!
I liked the music video, what city was this shot?
hey vjfader, shot in LA, downtown proper. Great area to shoot if you dont have a permit
Hmm, no wonder one of the MC with the dreads seem familiar. I totally missed that it was LA, I shot some footage for my video with the LA skyline, and at the fashion district... Check it out,
You might of seen it cuz I blogged it few days ago.