Thursday "Counting 5,4,3,2,1"Dir: Artificial Army

OK guys, here's that Thursday video if you havn't seen it yet. Be gentle...
Direct link:
Effects video related comments: The 3D is nice. The compositing was a bit of a mixed bag. I'd suggest more judicious use of your Pyromania CD.
Unfortunately fire is very time consuming to create in 3D or with particles so we had to go the stock footage route.
Granted. It's nit-picking really. I just noticed a lot of unadulterated Pyro footage, and the tellings loops...
Only been able to catch snippets of this - the CG fantasy looks fantastic, though I would agree on the compositing. Your work's getting better and better, though, and you're getting close to Joseph Kahn's level of CG theatrics here. New website's great too. (are u gonna post Blacka?)
Kev, thanks! Eventually when I get time I'm gonna get Mike Grigg to program the map so anyone can choose a target. Mike did a great job.
Nice. It's like The Polar Express meets Dark City/Metropolis.
Great video, I definitely got the Polar Express vibe too. I've got the iPod compatible version here:
cool stuff man! i don't have have a problem with any of it production-wise, i think everything fit the style of the video well (or made it)
what makes a great video is concept. Yours is entirely melodramatic fire, metal etc etc etc. Sure, it's beautiful. what you must realise is that beauty must be used to enhance what elements deserve beauty, otherwise, you drive to a state of maximalism which defeats the purpose of the piece as a whole.
that is the stupidest crap i've ever heard in my life. what doesn't deserve beauty? everything is part of the truth, including you, exemplified by your freedom of speech and ideas.
PS you sound fascist
I have no idea what that guy just said, but the PS made me laugh.
Dude, hakai, you totally took it to the maximalism. That's awesome. That doesn't sound like a defeat to me. That sounds like Chow Yun Fat with two .45s.
Haven't watched it yet, will try to get to it later tonight (making my san diego comic con plans).
I liked the video, but the song wasn't very good so it kind of ruined the whole thing for me. I usually like Thursday, but this didn't do it for me.
Amazing video! At least no one mentioned the treadmill...
skit is right, if there is no concept, just the fact its nice is not enought. its like if you have a nice robot, but it can't do anything, well it useless.
Thanks James! I'm glad you brought it up.
so xavier does that make your website ironic or just an incredible waste of time?
Honestly, I assmume these videos are posted out here for critique, and I'm giving my honest opinion. If anything, I find it hysterically ironic vijay even has the gall to cite freedom of speech in his response which was set simply to defame my own. Atleast you're not a fascist...
I was talking about you, not the video. And yes I stand up for KKK members though I don't agree with or support them, what's so not straight-forward about that? That doesn't mean I have to keep my mouth shut either does it?
If you want to talk about great-ness and absolute-ness and beauty lets hear it, but basically when you say beauty you are referring to an idea that relates to your own mindset so if you want to give an opinion that would be helpful to anyone you're going to have to explain that (which is why I said it was stupid). What exemplifies this "beauty" you speak of?
and what is stupid? basically when you say stupid you are referring to an idea that relates to your own mindset so if you want to give an opinion that would be helpful to anyone you're going to have to explain that.
and my website is certainly not for you.
In this context, I'm aware that anything I say in relation to my own opinion will be taken as inflammatory, and will be seen simply as a target by which to volley a counter argument. While it may be fun, it's not productive. This being said, I'll answer your questions with a final statement on my half.
Ofcourse the definitions of beauty are endless as well as endlessly subjective, though to deny the science of aesthetics and to leave all that may be defined as 'beauty' up to personal choice alone is to disregard any objective notion by which artists create visually. In this instance; however, I'm simply referring to visual weight. All the elements presented in the video feature a similar maximalized aesthetic...otherwise stated, there is no time allotted for the viewer to catch his or her breath in the piece. There must be time for judging what we must adhere to as 'conceptually relevant' in the midst of those shots we may simply be transported with. Consider the ideal piece, a wavelike structure. The peaks of the wave indicating the moments of greatest conceptual importance, and beauty. The troffs in this scenario act to counterbalance the importance of the peaks. In the piece in question, I see not a wave, but a straight line...a consistant peak...however, without a suitable counterbalance to appreciate the crescendos, the peak will lose it's depth, and fall straight into a disorienting montage of imagistic ejaculations.
not sure i could come up with a clearer exposition of what skit's getting at here, but i think i agree: it's basically maxing-out everything it brings to the table, causing a sensation of top-heavy overkill (the momentum already started with the trailer). though arguably the track's a bit like that, so the video's only really consequential...
"Consider the ideal piece, a wavelike structure."
Same stuff man, ideal wavelike structure = beauty. the way in which your are wrong is because you and progosk and whoever else agrees with you are aligning any said work to a form, when actually all works are equally valid just due to the fact that they exist. is this an attack on critique itself? absolutely.
also xaviercm, i would have only agreed with what i said about your website if i had your mindset, which i don't. i think it's kind of cool for what it is actually, i'm not sure you got that. my idea of "stupid" can be gotten from the first post that mentioned it btw, having to do with supposing the ultimate truth but being selective of what fits in it, which is even mathematically impossible. call it pretentious or whatnot (and call me it too if you like, but i'm not the one aligning things to a form). of course none of this has specifically to do with said vid btw.
You guys are funny thats for sure!
to suggeest that all works of art are equal on all levels is inherently a self-defeating argument. I might just as easily scribble a line on a piece of paper, and by your particular thesis, just as many people would find it as pleasing as those who found this piece to be. Aesthetics cannot be reduced to simple statistical analysis, and to suggest so, is to show one's own irrefutable ignorance in the matter. And I was not reducing the ideal piece to one particular form. The wave of which I spoke would not exist on the surface of the narrative, but behind the narrative, working on a subconscious level of understanding.
Moreso, let's say I actually did agree with your reasoning, but I'd still be hard pressed to find the impetus behind your moralistic approach to that which you state is undeniably, universally equal.
This is quite a large contradiction.
did you just say "Aesthetics cannot be reduced to simple statistical analysis"???? whose idea was the waveform thing in the first place? nobody says you have to get things the first time (or any time for that matter). and since when was pleasing people ever the point? trying to get at what's real seems to be just as valid an objective. yes the pop audience is indicative of a form but it is in no way mandatory to align to it. and to answer the scribble idea, YES a scribble on the line could be seen as equal to something depending on what the "work" is you're looking at, and the intention in which it's made. the work could be the persons life, and the scribble could be a part of it. or someone could look at the scribble and see how it's a product of all the cause and effect since the beginning of time. it all depends on what the creator wanted to do with it and all i know is that i'm not the one telling the artist what the purpose of his work is.
Here... You guys chill out and watch this