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All-American Rejects "Move Along" dir. Marc Webb

This really deserves its own post, even though it's two months old. It won best pop vid. Marc won best director.


jesse.ewles, May 13, 2006 at 5:14:48 PM CEST

Cool opening, but what's with the sum 41 pool rock-out at the end? -j

dek, May 13, 2006 at 6:05:42 PM CEST

Adbeast doesn't work on my PC. Direct link:

c-dub, May 13, 2006 at 8:25:51 PM CEST

very nice. I agree about the pool rock out, kinda random, but he probably had some sort of directive to show the band playing. But i dont think it detracts from the video. because its introduced in a very cool way with the hands coming up out of the pool. This guys helena video was also one of my favorites from last year. I think this guy came up under Francis Lawrence, anyone know if that is true??

kevathens, May 13, 2006 at 8:54:56 PM CEST

thx dek! the lawrence bit would make sense.

progosk, May 13, 2006 at 9:47:53 PM CEST

simple concept, excellently done. even the performance wasn't banal, and the ending cute. cool (even though the track's so insincere...)

captainmarc22, May 14, 2006 at 11:01:23 PM CEST

it really is a great video. Even though we've seen bits of this trick used elsewhere, it still felt fresh. And I always really liked the transition to the pool. I've watched it enough that I now like the song. Isn't that a truly successful video?

knomadix, May 15, 2006 at 4:53:41 AM CEST

terrible song, wussy emo pap.

nice high budget, few cool ideas running through it, the intercut vocal action.

the overt marketing in it to nerds that get picked on and want to cry their eyes out isn't my cup of tea. But that's not the directors fault is it.

any ideas on the budget for this?

nice colour palette.

So sick of seeing big crowds at the end of clips. It's the same crap as every hollywood blockbuster. "hey the movie is about to end, let's have everyone come out and pat each other on the backs while looking all teary eyed."..

dickensian_hero, May 15, 2006 at 9:24:13 PM CEST


nodirection, September 20, 2006 at 2:06:05 AM CEST

wow. i can't believe people like this video.


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