Cody ChestnuTT "King of the Game" : Dir. Michel Gondry

and article:
love it. just great.
kinda of looks like his earlier animations. Perhaps he's been watching the Michel Gondry Directors Label DVD.
I love the 3d effect the mill came up with for mg's drawings, i feel like they should be credited as co-director. It doesnt feel like a complete video though, the live song makes it feel even looser than it is, i think a proper studio recording and a bit more audio / video correlation would make this feel more complete and less like a rough cut of short animation. Simliar too Jean-Francois Moriceau / Petra Mryzk's morphic animations, teathingly so.
can someone post the direct link for downloadling? thx.
@ luk: here's the download link (rename file with suffix .mov)
i really love the impromptu character of the song, i guess that s why the whole thing is so fresh and light.
It reminds me of the super loose 70's animation they used to play on sesame street and also the station identification when our CBC begins it's broadcast day at 5am. Very nastalgic. I wish the cubes were used less though; I don't find them as interesting as the other more narrative stuff. -j
trippin'. quintessential. luv it (& agree with gwan on the mill).
gwan, the "incompleteness" seems to be the signature style of this ChestnuTT. So it is probably the way it is intended to be.
I should go on vacation more often. That was great. Nice to see him go back to his roots, really, and plug one out before Be Kind Rewind (which I'm SO excited about).
kev, so what's "Be Kind Rewind" about??
(oops, just looked it up at imdb, that's a hell of an idea)
Be Kind Rewind page has the complete synopsis so far - totally f'in awesome idea.
Info on King of the Game will be collected here over time.
Can he do anything wrong? Do you guys just love anything he does no matter what? I love most of his work too, but not all of it. This is kindah boring. Don't be so obsessed guys.
My cat Cleo loves anything Michel does... and shes always right...
I liked it - thought it caught the attitude of the song.
The 'making of' article only brings the work down in my estimation. It makes claims larger than my experience of the video - I don't see all the technical experimentation.
hakai: Just to be a fact-checker: It seems only two people love the vid, davidbowie and progosk. Reading each comment for what it is, it seems the vid gets a nice reception.
For the record, I think it was great as a rather relaxing visual meditation with a hint of personality. I'm not in love with it, though.
Such is the Internet and Antville, I guess. We'll never understand each other.
****** well i'd give this an eight out of ten, to be precise (or seven? sevenandahalf?)
kev, word...
I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that this is some of Gondry's best work. Cody Chestnutt is one of the finest singer/songwriters around today, and he really did justice to one of his most beautiful songs. This is the type of music video that deserves awards. Sweet, subtle, and peaceful. Perfect.