Mr Ti2bs 'Keep it Movin'
stills sequences mixed with live action mixed with council estates.. stush.. qt: view on site

Gorgeous use of stills to turn the night into a rhythmic wonderland of neon swirls. I’m really impressed by this there must have been allot of work put into it. Some of the shots of the guy walking shot from a car and the stuff with them holding TV's is absolutely amazing and almost a shame they have to be cut so quickly. The only problem (apart from the compression/transfer issues with the video cuts) is that we don’t really get anchored by the vocalist, the cutting to him is erratic and so we are carried away by the rest of the video, which is Amazing don’t get me wrong I love it. Can we have any technical information on how the stills were shot such has how the shutter was triggered? was it done with a timer? hooked up to a laptop? Great work.
BTW: are you aware there is some subliminal advertising for the DaVinci code in there.?

this is sick!
Has anyone seen the DaVinci code yet?
Wow, there's some great work in there. I agree with vidbot: needs more focus in the editing (i.e. more of it: keep it movin!), and you have a potentially fantastic video. Same goes for the rest of your/his vids. (Is mrmemory Anthony Dickenson? Did I miss something?)
glad people are feelin it..
vidbot: the camera was locked to fire continuously, shooting on average 1 second exposures.. teathering to a laptop would have limited movement and would not have helped, so no no no..
i get your point about the performance cuts.. i think for me its more the difference in quality between the live action and stills which interupts the flow.. that aside, i'm really pleased with the cut.. big up JRC for hard work..
great video! but agree with others about needing more editing and performance. Was the 'live' footage graded? looked a little neglected for the stills trickery! Anyway still terrific!
jokes man... anyone can shake a camera innit
Mr Ti2bs
anything to do with this guy?
qt died at 1:35 for me; fix for it?
low down dirty & lean. groovy. yeah, felt lots like chas mollett, but good anyway. didn't mind the rawness of the performance parts ('cept the interlacing). luv to see more...
hope you got past the 1:35 mark progosk.. don't know why that is.. the encode isn't the best, sorry..
tis very similar to Chas, but i realised how far the technique could go.. Chas was more of a montage of experiments..
ran a test the other night which takes the idea even further.. pretty excited about it, so no doubt there is still more to come..
Ho long did it take you to shoot all that?
saw it all now. mad slick.
4 nights..
your Chas Mollet 'montage experiment' was killer.
Good work Tone!