The Future Sound of London "My Kingdom" dir. Bill Eagles, Paul Simpson, FSOL (1996)

I've been waiting a long time to post this, but I've never found a good copy online. This was one of my fave vids for a while, at least until Chris Cunningham came along.
YouTube , sorry
I'm using this vid to inaugurate a new series on my Cunningham blog of sci-fi/futurist-type vids.
The computer animation still holds up okay, though this concept could very easily get a modern update, beyond Chem. Bros "Believe", which kind of touches on the same theme. This video also isn't as tight as it could be, but it still has a lot to offer.
(Note: The vid's more effective when the audio and vid are absolutely synced, damn youtube!)
A video like this makes me think that Cunningham could successfully make a feature (not that he'd be inclined to). It's so well paced. Where so many would be overjoyed at simply having come up with an idea, he manages a handful early on and then spends the rest of the video developing them.
I've never really liked his ideas - I find them sinister - but I'm always engrossed.
Who will be the first to enlighten framescourer?
Someone, please! The aforementioned Cunningham Blog quotes Cunningham saying "All I ever do is talk about films and then not make them." As far as I'm aware there is no extant Cunningham-directed feature; so do point up any.
(Sorry to wander from the video in question.)
? How are those two facts incongruent? He never makes films, therefore he's never made a film.
Also, this vid wasn't directed by Chris, as vidbot is mentioning.
If London were taken over by evil 3D designers.... ;)
Couldn't help but feel the whole thing was a special effects vehicle and that the multitude of little narratives that were set up ultimately went nowhere. That's where it differs from CC, I'd say.