We Are Your Friends (Justice vs. Simian Remix) (Director: Rozan & Schmelz)

This is one of the wackiest and wierdest music videos you will see all year (I promise).

one of the better video i have seen on this site so far beside Jan Terri 'losing you tonight' orginality is hard to come by these days.
i´m really curious.. but i can´t open that link
more links www.contactmusic.com
(tho i can't currently see any of these)
I think this is fucking great - no money, great idea, excellent record
well done all round
here's a link to a quicktime:
the directors are ROZAN & SCHMELTZ
Loved it. But what about it being a no money vid? Can you hire high speed cameras for nothing?
awesome! (originality is hard to come by)
Love it! Great vid.
Whatever happened to 1) Simian 2) Henry Moore Selder 3) Sam Arthur ??? These people just drop off the radar completely sometimes.
I dig it. It's like drunk Jenga (where you stack items on top of your passed-out drunk friend) only to the extreeeeeeeme! Wish I had the idea.
Really great, loved it. Although I'm not sure where the "No Money" comment came from: Obviously shot on film, produced by partizan = at least SOME money.
Simian still exist as Simian Mobile Disco (I think), but they don't seem to be making any more records, which is a damn shame.
Don't know about the others. Did Henry Moore Selder or Sam Arthur have something to do with this vid?
Selder directed Simian's "La Breeze", an excellent vid (he's done some really fine vids), and Sam Arthur dir'd "The Wisp" and other fine vids.. And they've both slowly disappeared.
Kool quicktime player those Partizan guys got... But here's at downloadable link for the .mov tinyurl.com
this is more direct, to be nerdy..
None of these people seem to have survived antville except hassinator who works at a new prod co, Good Egg. Justice and Simian Mobile Disco are still touring or in studio.
Where is Progosk? We are your friends, Philip.