RLF - King of Stokes Croft directed by Unit 60
made long before the likes of the GLC, RLF kicks it down and in, in a phat bass kinda way.. you'll laugh, you'll cry, you may even
think its good.. :)
RLF is dead, long live Bass-Clef.. dubstep style.. www.myspace.com
OMG! must.undrop.jaw.
a tad slow to start, but its rad-crud factor is pure gold. stellar editing, fantastic ref's. top marks, unit60.
was it shot on one of these?
DOA: This account has exceeded it's bandwidth quota and has been temporarily disabled.
here is rlf (via putfile): uploadfile.putfile.com
vexkid is welcome to change the original link...
hey guys.. cheers for helping out with the linkage.. didnt realise the bandwidth was gona get sucked up so much... :) ya comments are well appreciated!!
I agree: this is very charming, and the editing is great, though I'm not as OMG as P.
i thought all the cunningham winks&nudges would get your goat.