Mahogany "Neo Plastic Boogie Woogie" Dir. Michael Wellenreiter

Camera work by Adam Carrigan, the guy that did the Man Man video for "10 lb Moustache" that we all liked so much.
swf view on site youtube
Someone please find a better QT of this, audio is pretty crappy.
But the video is pretty damn great...
great is precisely what this is.
simple&infectious as i'm from barcelona - but what's really striking is the measured camework, editing and direction here. don't want to overstate, but this had a distinct wes andersonish vibe to it.
thx, vid-seek!
this is the guy who did the man man video. thanks for posting. just to let you know there is no quick time yet because the video will be available on the mahogany cd that comes out in september. unfortunately we could only post this as a low res video. one last thing. unlike the man man video, this video was conceived by myself and my friend Michael Wellenreiter. he directed and i did the camera work. thanks ac
Hey Adam, really like the video. I modified the posting with the proper credits.
Curious as to whatt this was shot on, budget, etc. It looks a little better then just regular digital (I'm assuming it's digital as it's a band not everyone has heard of, although I'm a fan and they're great.)
Care to elaborate a little?
It's nice when videos like this are done well. (you know, The Knife "Pass This On").. very affirming.. Thx for that!
I just watched this one again, maybe for like the 5th time. I think this one is an early nomination for best of 2006, seriously. More Antvillers need to see this.