Voltage - "01"

Directed by: Charles Spano www.COMMONDEER.com Link: http://www.julia-beynon.com/commguest/VOLTAGE.mov
ooh, i'm a sucker for image rhythmaths like this. (coulda done without the buildings, mebbe...) thx bdl/charles.
Amazing how eerie and absorbing nothing in particular can be. I disagree about the buildings though. It breaks it just at the right point.
thank you both for the kind words... I initially conceived this idea as just trees, but I'm glad I decided to do the trees/buildings contrast...mainly I think cuz it makes you aware as a viewer of the change in yr perception...in most videos the move from a shot of a tree to a shot of a building would be mundane...the pattern here makes it almost a surprise...if that makes sense...
Argh! That was great until the music crescendo'd and it went to the buildings! I wish the track hadn't done that. I don't blame you for going to buildings (personally, I could have done without the Koyaanisqatsi vibe they brought), but I wished it would have just stayed in the polyrhythm.
Oh yeah, the buildings. Easy tiger! Nice though.
I'm posting this on a couple of videos here today: Anyone know where I can buy this music online?