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yeah yeah yeahs "Turn Into" Dir Patrick Daughters

don't know yet, how i feel about this one.....but i wish they would've gotten with spike.


progosk, July 6, 2006 at 8:39:40 PM CEST

pure ugliness comes to mind.

spreech, July 6, 2006 at 9:10:29 PM CEST

what's up progosk? this is the coolest band on earth. (gonna watch the video now ...)

someguy, July 6, 2006 at 9:18:49 PM CEST

i feel think it would have been a great video for another band, one a little less self knowing. Its tone is just off to me. I did however like the last shot of Karen holding the mirror.

spreech, July 6, 2006 at 9:20:36 PM CEST

I guess the band is cooler then their vids.

mainchara, July 6, 2006 at 9:45:01 PM CEST

how can you say that? have you seen the gold lion,pin, y control videos?

familiar, July 6, 2006 at 9:52:16 PM CEST

The video shows some great technical ability. Nice lighting, and good editing.

The song underscores the band's desire to sound just like everyone else -- whether because they are "maturing" or trying to get their mainstream break is hard to say. Neutered.

hakai, July 6, 2006 at 9:56:31 PM CEST

I loved it...

setanor, July 6, 2006 at 9:58:38 PM CEST

Since when do they desire to sound like everyone else? Maybe they want to express the fact there are emotions beyond passing out on a brooklyn floor coked out and vomiting.

otaku-house, July 6, 2006 at 10:02:02 PM CEST

My crush on Karen O just got worse.

mainchara, July 6, 2006 at 10:04:39 PM CEST

they already got their "mainstream" break with their 1st cd, with the song "maps." It received endless radio play and a lot of air time, I'm glad the new cd sounds different. And no it isn't trying to fit in, it's definitely a step forward

davidbowie, July 6, 2006 at 10:09:29 PM CEST

damn. not a very interesting video. a disapointing turn for the yyy's and a deepining of p.d's post maps slide into doodoo.

freak out in a moonage daydream nick.

shut up, July 6, 2006 at 10:21:47 PM CEST

I loved it and I love the song too.

hakai, July 6, 2006 at 10:53:29 PM CEST

the only thing i can say is the effect on nick isnt as good as it is on karen. that shits so vishnu!

lusk81, July 7, 2006 at 12:16:58 AM CEST

PD is friends with the YYY's. They all went to film school (NYU) together.

I think this one's solid. Daughters continually pumps out work that isn't going for the big thing. It's somewhat foolish to continue comparing his YYY work as another missed opportunity with spike.

spit, July 7, 2006 at 1:06:32 AM CEST

Yeah, it seems like maybe you guys are looking for a career-defining, icon video when all PD and the YYY's are going for is "looks cool, compliments the song."

mainchara, July 7, 2006 at 1:14:49 AM CEST

ok ok, maybe i am stuck on some lame fantasy that the yyy would once again get the jonze treatment. I deem the video solid.

"PD is friends with the YYY's. They all went to film school (NYU) together."

thats interesting, i didn't know that but it would explain the constant collaborations.

hakai, July 7, 2006 at 1:56:47 AM CEST

and maybe karen doesnt get along with spike now because of a bad break up? or are they still together?

depaceofbase, July 7, 2006 at 2:14:25 AM CEST

Does any else see the studio performance footage being inspired by this? (probably one of my favorite videos of all time): Kate Bush "Wuthering Heights"

casspix, July 7, 2006 at 6:44:12 AM CEST

love the song, think the video fell short. could be a little more original

knomadix, July 7, 2006 at 7:00:55 AM CEST

Not familiar with the band, or past clips. As a virgin viewer I thought the clip was good. Not mind-blowing, but it felt like it matched the song well, the strobe and mirror stuff working a treat. The other transition points were all well planned as well.

I thought the last shot let it down with the giggle bit. The humour in that didn't match the humour in the 'floating in air' section.

yeweah, July 7, 2006 at 7:27:53 AM CEST

Hello everyone this is GOD!

It's been a busy a year and I haven't been able to post as much as I would have liked. This evening has been quiet so I thought I'd drop a line.

Seems to me that this is a high budget rip off of the "Staring At The Sun" video for TVOTR.

Same color palette and an approximation of one of the former vids main effects....


kalelson1, July 7, 2006 at 7:28:50 AM CEST

The studio shots are a direct copy of Norman Mclaren's 'Narcissus', made over 20 years ago. Did like the application of it on Karen's posing stage presence, though.

mainchara, July 7, 2006 at 7:54:43 AM CEST

@hakai - they did break up, but i doubt they're mad at each other, spike can be found on the thank you list of the yyy's most recent album "show your bones," plus spike's brother produced Show your bones and is going to produce Karen's solo cd.

c-rock, July 7, 2006 at 8:11:04 AM CEST

this may be totally obvious, or maybe I'm reading too much into this, but is this video supposed to tell the story of the band's climb to rockstardom? It begins with them seeming very ordinary, playing together in a small room. Then we transition into something that resembles the color and lighting scheme of the "maps" video. Then the band "ascends" into the air and sort or turn into stars. the video then comes full circle with the star light turning into the light reflected off of small mirror in Karen’s hand.

I completely missed this narrative thread the first watch but with this new analysis in mind I now like the video a lot more.

spreech, July 7, 2006 at 9:11:10 AM CEST

really love the song.

fire_water, July 7, 2006 at 2:13:21 PM CEST

Hello! checking Anthill out, this is a cool video the phases it goes through is nice, subtle effects coming in and out reminds of this one from Devendra Banhart:

familiar, July 7, 2006 at 6:14:41 PM CEST

"they already got their "mainstream" break with their 1st cd, with the song "maps." It received endless radio play and a lot of air time, I'm glad the new cd sounds different. And no it isn't trying to fit in, it's definitely a step forward"

You have no concept of "mainstream"

mainchara, July 7, 2006 at 7:02:45 PM CEST

then explain it to me.

familiar, July 7, 2006 at 8:05:31 PM CEST

The last Yeah Yeah Yeah's album (Fever To Tell) peaked barely within the top 100 on North American pop charts. We're talking between 80 and 100. The new album has almost cracked the top 50. Maps was the highest charting track off Fever To Tell; it charted higher on college/modern charts than on pop/top-40 charts. Conversely, Gold Lion has charted higher than anything from Fever To Tell on pop/top-40 charts, and lower on college/modern rock charts.

This is a clear indicator of where they are taking their sound. Show Your Bones is straight up contrived, and it has nothing to do with moving beyond Brooklyn.

The sound is cleaner. The concepts are less challenging. This has been their direction ever since their first EP. Machine was the last time I heard them really do something risky.

I don't know what "endless radio play" and "a lot of air time" you're talking about, but it seems to me you spend most of your time listening to/watching college/modern rock stations. That's not mainstream.

mainchara, July 7, 2006 at 9:04:50 PM CEST

ok, yeah their sounds are less risky and less challenging but b/c there is a change in their sound it doesn't mean i will call it an attempt for a "mainstream break." I certainly wouldn't call show your bones "contrived." and just b/c a cd debuts high on the charts, it in no way spells success.have you looked into how long maps was on that top 40 chart? how long gold lion was up there?

whatevs, July 8, 2006 at 3:00:39 AM CEST

maps got played the crap out of on mtv, that doesn't count as mainstream? not everything mainstream-ed is successful. or is that the definition?

quixoticnyc, July 8, 2006 at 4:15:58 AM CEST

Just because a band is signed and distributed by a major label, doesnt necessarily mean they are mainstream. It is all relative. YYY compared to a truly indie act that is stuck traveling in a piece of crap van might be thought mainstream. I'm not sure though that I believe MTV rotation is the judge either. Believe it or not, I'm sure plenty more people have actually never heard of them in US than have. Not that any of this matters, but I have to say I really couldn't agree any less about the notion of YYY becoming contrived and consciously fitting into some sort of major label mold for success. I just dont believe thats the integrity of the band, Im not even a huge fan, but I just dont see them sitting around saying "lets write more accessible music." And while on that topic , I'm sorry but their new album so does not sound mainstream. And if Gold Lion is the big single.. its not a "conventional pop rock song" no matter how catchy it is, One thought here..

I remember reading Dave Eggers (McSweeneys) article in Rolling Stone a year ago about the relationship between band and fan. The big idea was the responsiblity of the band to their fans to not disappoint. A code and right of fan to have expections that band is aware of and lives up to. It was sort of a thinking out loud piece based on our emotions about new material "please be awesome please dont suck". I happen to be a big Radiohead Fan. I can;t imagine them writing a good song if they thought twice about the role of fan. Is it remotely fair to ask artists to not develop and repeat themselves simply cause we were satisfied before????

kevathens, July 14, 2006 at 10:02:11 PM CEST

Love it!! Patrick Daughters is beginning to convince me that he deserves a Directors Label sooner than Dougal Wilson.

This shit deserved a screen cap:

I think you guys may be convinced when you see this on TV. (n.b. I didn't read that stuff up there)


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