aqua212, July 17, 2006 at 5:05:34 PM CEST
CORDALENE- "Kissed Awake" Dir. Josh Mond (give it a few seconds to load)
The new music video from Philly based Cordalene for their song "Kissed Awake" directed by Josh Mond.
For more clips and info on the always busy BorderLine Films, check out
And for more on Cordalene, go to or
otc, July 17, 2006 at 7:31:18 PM CEST
Actually that was great. Can't think of much else to say about it, but it was definitely one of the best no-budget videos that I've seen in the last few months.
progosk, July 18, 2006 at 12:05:56 AM CEST
nice concept, ever since torn; quite judiciously done here. the part after the clapper is, quite fittingly, something of a let-down.
uncanny how their sound melds dcfc and squeeze (of all bands)...