Muse "Knights of Cydonia" Dir: Joseph Kahn

his followup to "Get Yourself High" ?
well it's ALMOST an excellent video; I wish he wouldn't have done things so broad. Still; it's IMO the best thing he's done in years and light years above the last Muse video (which might be one of the worst of the year - all the worst 90s cliches in one lame ass video).
Heh, amusing video.
QT will love it.
quicktime: here
Uhm that was bad ass! I have to say that I wrote a treatment very simular. Of course he did it way better than I could.
...And the time will come when they will become Queen!
BRILLIANT. I want to see a full length movie of Knights Of Cydonia. Excellent.
Most excellent on every level.
movie? hell, i'd buy a tv just to watch this if it were a series, one of those never-ending ones.
(just one thing: i'd recast the hero. too slight/comical, this guy.)
Excellent!! So glad I didn't see that first on YouTube..
It's been a while, so I'll remind everyone: Put your best-format link first, so podcasters can (hopefully) d/l them. Don't know if they can get the streamos, though..
best QT links first (the feed ignores utoob & flash links); qt streams usually work (strangely enough the apple trailer for science of sleep won't download when podcasted...)
Wow i really enjoyed that :) a nice fun video
Excellent video. It manages to jam quite a bit of story in there, then again I guess it's a 6 minute video.
This and Muscle Museum are Kahn's best IMO, though completely dissimilar. I like Muse more for making an almost-instrumental track like this a single.
HELP! I can't stop watching it!!!!
Wow. Amazing.
Go to his website. There's a different version. I noticed an extra shot im calling "Shaolin Doggy Style"
expensive fx and shiny costumes, a dope look, dope sets, dope genre hybrids...and falls flat.
yeah they really hold out on those vocals. but it's perfect!
Just incredible.. These are the kinds of vids Kahn was born to make, really. (see also Wu-Tang which I covered a bit). His movie/comic book videos really are most often his best.
i guess i don't get it
this is the first muse song i hear, definitely not the first Kahn vid i see. I always hated his work, but this is just excellent.
killer/corbijn collaboration + kill bill + barbarella + kahn + really good song = one of the best videos of the year
where is joseph kahn's directors label dvd?
cydonia explained - still love this video.