Four Volts "Heartworm" - Dir: Howie Lam

Holy Moley. Great song. Super fun video.
Four Volts? Never heard of them, now I'll have to look into their music.
wow. ruthless energy, tightly shot&edited.
thanks! i directed this piece on a pretty damn low budget and with only 5 hours to shoot it. The end result i was pretty happy with especially considering my circumstances.
all comments are greatly appreciated!!!
Even more impressive. Do you have a production company or reps or anything like that?
It just seems like it was such a tight ship and the images are good. Well-crafted simplicity is always nice.
nah, i'm flying solo right now looking to do some more videos. I guess i'm just trying to build up my reel with more work and see how it goes.
A great video for a super-catchy song. The editing's dead-on, and for something done on a "pretty damn low budget" the production value's amazing!
connection between bastion and four volts? and what's this about your "asian beauty"?
the connection is that the video is uploaded on the bastion website and bastion is the band i used to front. I've since stopped playing music, pursuing directing. Asian beauty must be a reference to my asian-ness hahaha. The reviewer must've seen press photos of me.