Regina Spektor "Fidelity" (dir.: Marc Webb)

mov here.
I like! Marc does it again.
erm... oh dear...
(also: does she have it written into her contract that she must look doe-eyed from below into camera for at least half of every video? and to put her at a piano even when there's none in the song!?)
(and: the hair? the dresses? if i ever learn not to be irritated by her style of singing/songwriting, i'd think about getting a petition started on this one...)
Marc Webb huh? we're going to take it seriously? ok.
It's a music video. The singer sings. Black and White colors like her piano... cuts together. then... a mannequin. and in the end.. a model boyfriend type arrives and they paint themselves. After the paralyzed formality of the video the colors seem to be really wild.
But they're not.
and it's not... a very interesting bit of pop culture.
strictly maintains a status quo, is workmanlike and approachable.
is that considered a success?
It's a town full of losers and I'm pulling out of here to win!
IMHO, she can stare doe-eyed into a camera for the rest of her life and I will watch it.
PROGOSK: You're jumping the shark a little here. For someone who supposedly doesnt work in this biz, I find it very curious that you have access to DNA's client area.
The only people who can enter are those with user/pass and I know I didn't give any to you.......
this was posted here briefly by someone else. i just happened to note the link. (doesn't require any user/pass, as you can see.)
i repeat: if this shouldn't be out there, please let me know and i'll take it down.
(ps: i hope you're not the IT guy at dna. that shit is wiiide open & your ass'd be grass...)
Wow, some niiiiice juicy shit in that dir :! Mariah Carey's "Emotions"??!?! Daaamn!! (Alex & Martin's Wolfmother "Love Train" too for some reason)
good call on the piano. wow, that's a pretty bad oversight. i can't imagine why regina, as a musician, would say "um, there's no piano in this song...." on top of that; i've always for some reasons hated people playing pianos in videos. way too billy joel / elton john / yanni.
and anyone else think that shot of her 'playing' piano while facing the camera looks totally fake and poorly cheated?
i don't think they filmed her very well. she looks okay but she can look way hotter.
yeah not one of webb's best.
like it, funny and visually appealling...well done
that was great! marc's purty good....
that video actually made me cringe. marc's attempt at gondry-style visual levity down to the stripes on his male model, but he lacks edge, taste, or innovation. the reveal of the male with his frozen expression is laughable. (note to webb: michel's owned stripes even before the white stripes, it's a french thing, your stealing is outrageous). it's just a mess.
Nice! Great vid. I am a sucker for cute though.
Maybe I'm just a hopeless romantic, but I think the video works on a lot of really true levels.
In keeping with the themes of the song, it's a lot easier to imagine a romance than to actually experience one. In your mind, everything can happen according to plan - very black & white, but ultimately unfulfilling. The truth of the matter is that real human relationships are a mess. They're sloppy. They're unorganized. And they're amazingly beautiful.
dead link.
and remains so!
Like the proverbial dodo.
spektor's fidelity is back - marc webb fans weep with joy. (see link up top.)
Absolutely love the vid/song/regina, all of it is wonderful. it shows how black and white and plain-jane life is until you find love, then everything seems to burst with color, even if it might not last forever and even if it's only in your mind. kodos to mark webb.