Bedroom Scene "Met A Girl" dir: Dick Thompson

Los Angeles based artist Jonathon Holmes aka Bedroom Scene. This is my first music video, any comments would be much appreciated.
QT 19mb
love it great job
Fantastic! Congtrats!
Beautiful girls, dreamy music. Yes it is a fascinating clip.
You did a lot with a little. The video turned out great!
i cant believe it. its so bloodly brilliant. loved every second of it. great job.!
Do'no 'bout the music, still the video has it's charm I feel it would have been much better to drop the joanna on the geezers head sudden like, without the subliminal pointers to such a end game I think the corduroy shoes shud'da 'ad the toes pointing up to the heavens A flash of sock and trouser helm wouldn't a gone amiss either with perhaps a dash of ketchup Nice work anyway!
kooky charming.
I like the song and I like the vibe of the video. Very tight in stylistically understated way. I was having some issues downloading it last night and could only see the first third and that was killing me. Not crazy about the editing towards the end. There is an attempt at a kind of breakdown with a dog and a quad screen image that follows good thinking but doesn't make enough of the cutaway. The piano falling is an anticlimax both in editing and content. I would have prefered him to step away at the last moment making more of a whole idea, or, a better sense of anticipation in the final moment if he remains beneath. In the end, a fine video that loses its way.
thanks for watching, I appreciate your comments!
Pretty good, keep it goin'. 40% in, that lady in green did a total Crazy in Love thing. Closely matched.