Bonnie 'Prince' Billy - Cursed Sleep (Dir: Andy Bruntel)

The noble sports of falconry + alien-wrestling. Quicktime (35.4mb)
oh my... too peculiar to be poetic, at times a bit contrived. what does it all mean?
i like opaque narrative - it questions the form itself.
this plays like conventional wisdom meets living proof.
thx swampg.
I really really liked that. Will get repeated viewing from me. I do love well-crafted opaque narratives + videos shot OUTSIDE(!) + rurality(!!) Easy combo for insta-love
I love it! Inspired and quite strange. Deserves attention. I didn't find it contrived but portions seem very tongue-in-cheek. Why isn't this director producing more work? Nothing since the Malkmus video last year?
The video grows until the end. That is the best thing about it.
However, to me it feels glib, nod nod wink winkish in a way: here is a tree man, here is a family that take him in and puts a red sweatsuit on him and takes him out falconing, here is the son who feels ignored and dons an E.T. mask and kills the tree man's favorite pigeon. Haven't we seen this somewhere before?
The whole Tree Man vs. E.T. is simply played out.
Thanks progosk for the reference to the other videos. I think one of the reasons they all work is location location location. You just don't come across these environments much in music videos. Korine's location really inspired the video.
Hahaha, ToddyOkoh! We've seen it all before. Could there by any cease and desist lawsuits over that E.T. mask?
I don't really feel it's glib. I've watched it a few times now and it's one of the only videos I've seen in quite some time that makes me sad and laugh at nearly the same moments. Strange. I think there was definitely some sincere thought put into it but narrative, even opaque narrative, sometimes just feels cheap in music videos. This for some reason doesn't to me which is maybe why I like it so.
Yay, I'm glad this video is getting some positive response. I happen to know it was made for like $2500 or something in that range. It just shows how creativity and craft can overcome budget limits.
that was fantastic! so well thought out and put together.
genius! Wow!
totally loved it, and when flipping around through those reposts i found something i had missed - the short film "the aluminum fowl" sorry for the youtube but this is a pretty fantastic film...slightly off topic here maybe, but somehow not at all. Produced by harmony korine and directed by James S Clauer who was the cinematographer on Gummo
bruntel is a serious talent. this was wonderful.
Fuck, I give up. I love this. This isn't super-hip, but this is damn good mv filmmaking. It better get on a RES DVD.
kevathens and progosk I COMMAND YOU to pull your heads out off your big fat asses. I know you two sit around all day watching muisc video's and your knowledge is great but give me a fucking break...latley you two have been acting like a couple of boobs!
I expect more form you two!
Pray to me tonight and I will not smite you!
Birds, girls Hawks Vs Pigeons. Hawks are the proudest bird second only to the bald eagle, pigeons are commonly referred to as the rats of the sky.
and i saw the conventional wizdom moment.
i like very much. does anybody have any idea what that was shot on/with?