Thom Yorke "Harrowdown Hill" (Dir: Chel White)

Youtube only at the moment.
Meh, I had to watch it all the way through just because it was Thom Yorke but if it had been anyone else I would have turned it off after the first 30 seconds. Too many different ideas with nothing really holding them together. The lack of cohesion just makes it feel unbearably pretentious.
The laser eagle reminds me of the Cee-Lo video from a few years back.
scattershot = pretentious? i think the song is strong enough to hold them together, honestly. i'd like to see it on another format.
the beginning is based on this idea:
...probably more interesting on paper than execution...
This is an very nicely composed video, finding visuals to suit the mood of the song that is not to dark would have been challenging. After watching a few times, what realy grabs me is the way it shifts through very different imagery, and stays focused (no pun intended) on being counterpart to the audio.
my favorite in recent release by far.
Dir. Chel White.
Really nice video. Dirty. And varied.
Total B.S. Goes nowhere. The use of riot imagery is very very old, so old it's tiresome. I'm going to bed. Yes.
There's something strangely compelling about this. It probably wouldn't work for a lesser song, but it does seem to match perfectly with Thom Yorke's style.
captainmarc: exactly what i was thinking of. it probably looks a lot more interesting at a higher resolution. which if someone wants to post...
I could have sworn some of it was from this short film.
Mostly nice.
The stuff of Thom underwater takes me out of it though. It looks just like an old Moby album cover.
after that shit on boing boing went all over the internet, it was just a ticking clock until someone rolled this video out.
Keep coming back to this video, my only wish is the stock footage stuff at the end was more animated or affected in a visual way, but i started to realize how beautifully edited the piece is, its the strongest metamorphisis in the cut.
Thom Yorke as boards mov! Pretty good video, gwan is right here. Though the underwater made me feel strongly like PJ Harvey "Down By the Water", one of my fave vids Of. All. Time. Just put on that red dress, Thommy, and rub yer belly. ;)
(ThomYorke!) Bent calls this Smallgantics. (Via videostatic) If MTV still did this kinda thing, this (or its more solid successor) would be a Breakthrough Video, I do believe. Here's their big mov.