The Raconteurs "Hands" : Dir. Ramon Bloomberg

love this pic..

great stuff for another nondescript raconteurs song. really added levels, and had me watching/interested. (not sure about the trashing the room bits.) way to go ramon.
Excellent! Loved it.
I agree. Interesting idea. Funny little story.
too good. loved it. and did i spy meg? maybe.....also that part where one girl puts her hands on the drum set. how freakin awesome was that?
Nice video with deaf. I wonder if they are really deaf.
yeah this was really good. It seemed to suggest that there was a genre of deaf-boarding school films in the 70s and this was a solid parody (sort of like Knights of Cydonia being a take-off of sci-fi cowboy films?). Great work.
heard they shot in an insane asylum.. all deaf girls who were rehearsed to feel the vibrations of the music and move to it... in NOrway..
wait what was that magician doing in there?
magician was pyro! totally out of place in the video but a cool-as-fuck magician! makes blaine look lame...super skillz.
who produced it, was it colonel blimp in london or a us company. what happened to blimp? they don't seem to make much anymore?
I really enjoyed this. Ultimately the directors job is make the bands persona come through and he did that quite well.
Im confused though that on Ramone's site and Blimps what was onced called a video for Broadcast is now Stark Haze. Did they change their name? Was it spec? What happened there? I remember something about it having a directors cut or something. Either way I m huge fan of that one too. Just watched Donnie Darko again and it sort of reminds me of those huge open coordinated shots.
It was produced by Blimp in Norway due to the bands touring schedule and we shot at a real deaf school.
The magician is Dynamo from the frozen North of England and included at Jack White's behest - he has some tasty skills.
The Broadcast video was made on spec but the band didn't like it - bizarrely as I think its ace - so Ramon had to add new music.
The big man is currently shooting a huge Novotel commercial in Paris based on his latest short film which will be up on both sites soon.
Blimp have stopped making no budget videos as its a pain in the ass.
Yum yum old bean.
Yo Hass...whats incredibly ironic about the Broadcast thing is that I heard the name for a while but never got around to listening to them. I saw Ramone's video and was instantly into it. And in most part to the fact that the visual's made it that much better. Granted everyone has their own taste but fuck ...for a band to thumbs that down...pretty fucking stupid. Well cheers again RB.
WHAT ARE YOU GUYS TALKING ABOUT? the song and the video are kinda lame. i'm i missing something here?
umm i guess you are. I think this video's really fucking great!
hey quixoticnyc
more surprising is the fact that Ramon made the Broadcast video on his own dollar, offered to let them have it for free and they still insisted that he couldn't even put it on his showreel.
no accounting for taste I suppose
Hass..truth be told Broadcast missed out then on something great. This is precisely why I've stopped being so outgoing to NYC bands. Glad you guys had the good sense to sign Ramone. I've known Diane from Furlined for some time and she's always had a killer eye for talent too. So fucking great that you folks are all linked up. Cheers.
some of the girls are really deaf. some of the girls are castingmodels and some of the girls are cheerleaders. :) good video and great song.
haha and the video is not shot in a real deaf school. but at Dikemark mentasykehus. It's an old mentalinstutusion in Asker, Norway. ;)
jules: not sure if you noticed: this is from five years ago; ramon b was a talented upstart (where he now?), and antville was in full, enthusiastic swing in general. so there was that.
Funny. According to the 'ville, quality is always "low at the moment"... even 5 years ago.
yeah where is ramon b now? doing commercials?
Apologies, didn't notice the date. I sometimes look at things based on positive comments, so unsure why someone commented on this recently? Still not into the video but good that Bloomberg has made it to the magical land of commercials where everyone gets paid well in return for making other peoples ideas come to life.