Tunng, "Jenny Again", directed by Tom Haines

Direct Link: blip.tv (62MB)
Very Sweet, I love this band anyways, and i swear i've seen that actress before... nice colors!
boy am I having a difficult time getting to this one... is ther some trick I ought to know?
try watching it on the blip site: blip.tv it's worth it...
and there's also an embedded quicktime on the director's page: myspace.com
most lovely! fantastic editing, pretty photography, great piece (something of an answer to "i gave you") love the glitchfolk track. thx grr.
I love this. I don't love much. But I love this.
thanks 4 the link to the bonnie promo progosk..........same visual references, flares, pastels, setting but an altogether more sombre mood, no chance of redemtion for the prince........loved the tunng promo, the subtle contra-zooms, was that steadi-cam in slo-mo...?
Hi a-morphic, I'm pleased you noticed the unsettling camera moves as they aren't all that obvious in this sizing. Most of the landscape shots were actually from digital stills. Mark Payne @ The Mill in London took apart these pictures and seperated key elements as layers. They then reassembled these in flame and added subtle post moves to give the effect.