okapisafari, August 4, 2006 at 10:32:01 PM CEST
International Pony with "My Mouth", Dir: Drehort Sankt Georg (Sebastian Schulz and Till Franzen)

"epic classic, great stuff, that one okapi - deserves its own post."PROGOSK
progosk, August 4, 2006 at 11:21:03 PM CEST
see also: secret machines.
drehort st. georg is sebastian schultz and till franzen.
aliaspail, August 8, 2006 at 7:42:29 PM CEST
this video is looooooong. the script is loooong. the plot is looooong. the girl talks like she's 6. the film places too much emphasis on the characters, rather then the music or the band. and the characters can't be established in 10 minutes have no arc, so i just feel distracted and unsatisfied.
kayser_sauze, April 5, 2007 at 4:47:53 PM CEST
promo version mov short film version: Beautiful Day mov