M Ward "Chinese Translation" Dir: Joel Trussell & Eric Johnson
Beautifully simple new video from Joel Trussell (Jason Forrest, Kid 606 etc.) and Wieden & Kennedy Portland's Eric Johnson

Kind of perfectly boring in the best possible way. I didn't like it at first, thought it was too literal, boring. Then! Pow! The second time I loved that kind of simple literalism, fits with the style. Its nice to be wrong then right about one thing in same 5 minutes...
Swell job Joel. Perfect in every way. Keep chimping out !
Excellent! Me love Joel (and Eric?)! Where's Joel's Coldcut vid?!
hey Kev, Ah, coldcut, eh? Joel's coldcut video has been ready and waiting for about 2 and a half months now... it will be one of the very few videos that no-one has seen from Coldcut's forthcoming VideoDVD and remixes album. For this reason it's been held back as top secret! (presumably so people actually go out and buy the DVD!) Glad everyone's digging the video for M Ward- more 'chimping out' to come!!!