The Mountain Goats "Woke Up New" dir. Rian Johnson

Television tricksy - weird shutter/frame speed is partially both
mov - real hi - real lo - divx - uBoob
someone somewhere quotes the director as saying this only has two hidden cuts and no post effects. divx here.
oh, and: i think it's excellent, and the tune's a minor masterpiece.
Very nice. I assume this is the same Rian Johnson who did Brick? It's cool to see him getting work, I hope he does some more music videos.
Impressive if not soul-seizing. A daring concept, being that it's difficult to mime to conversationally metered melody, but director and singer pull it off.
Nice. Gentle and works with the music.
The delivery works well.
As for the effect, I'd venture to suggest that it's full of hidden cuts. The idea that you can see a screen inside a screen x 5 and maintain that level of image quality / resolution even on HD seems far fetched.
Companion piece to this?
But seriously, John Darnielle is overdue a genius grant, + here's quality Quicktime, courtesy of the director.
This was great! Never seen it before...
wild found the director's link