Leave Land for Water - Frangipani Fumes & Cosmetics

animated music video promo for bristol, uk band, leave land for water.
directed by Chuen Hung Tsang & Chris Hawkes
please let us know what you think both musically and visually.. happy viewing :)
vexkiddy x
you tube it: www.youtube.com
better quality here: www.leavelandforwater.com
one word: awesome.
but: for the love of pete, something so subtly done just cries out for a higher res version. do yourselves a favour: huge whopping QT, and presto.
more to the point: nice simple idea, engaging setting, lovely charcoal feel, great animation, subtle handling of lights (glowing paper!), very assured motion/quaking work. the track's a wee bit overlong, and there's a couple too many fade to blacks - but overall: topnotch.
RES-worthy, for sure, though a bit long. Kill the 30sec ad in front. Patience is short on the Internet.
Amen to all of that
real nice..
Nice if VERY Marc Craste with a touch of SSR ....& probably not quite as good as either. But some lovely bits nontheless.
thx dek - finally. stellar stuff. (i see black dog thought so too.)
Winmedia (1024x576): Download - Mirror
MPEG-4 (768x432): Download - Watch
The Winmedia clip plays PERFECTLY with Videolan.