Battle - 'Children' | Director: Ben Rollason

QT (Boardsmag) QT (embedded higher qual.) Windows Media Slayer Real Player uToob
making something out of nothing. nice'un ben. (and i'm pretty sure there are a whole bunch of references that escape me).
Yes I like that The invisible explosions caught me by surprise, as did the bloke popping up with a cup ov tea.(very english) n' yer'man sitting in the chair in the opening shot reminded me ov summit i've seen sumwhere ov a soldier tied to a chair facing a firing squad
good work, this video made the music far more compelling. it forced me to listen a bit more. kudos
really like what you're up to ben.. how did you throw them around so convincingly.. cos its steady cam i cant figure it out..
You've put together another great video here... really nice work on keeping it interesting to the end (perfect pacing).
awesome man!
Sorry - didn't do it for me, took too long to get going. It also reminded me of the pain of trying to sit through Tarkovsky's Stalker..?
Great idea, technically well executed did take a while to grab me and I did kind of want more out of the experience though. I can think of some bands I would like to see in a video like this except with real bullets and explosions. "the pain of trying to sit through Tarkovsky's Stalker".......did we watch the same movie framescourer? when I watch stalker I experiance gestalt melancholy existential bliss makes me want to go to sleep in concrete for a thousand years with the music of the spheres ringing in my head.
Poor thing, I see it got to you too! No - I guess it was more to do with hiring it from who don't tell you that Artifical Eye split it over two discs. Hence 3 day intermission + grumpy Framescourer
mrmemory: last time I spilt the beans on how I made something, Progosk commented that it was
an unexpectedly powerful spoiler. Which it probably was. So I'll remain cryptic.
You're right, it is steadicam. The effect was done the painstaking way. If curiosity really gets the better of you, email me and I'll tell all.
Thanks for comments all. I thought hard about posting this one... four months to be precise, so I'm glad you enjoyed it in general.
bad mutha spoiler...
liked the video. i had not seen the Dirty Blue Jeans video till now. WOW. haven't even watched it yet with sound. a work of art.
Too amazing Ben. I'm speechless.
Wait, you did that Dirty Blue Jeans video, too? Fuck off, dude. Go back to your home planet. It's not fair how you're teasing us earthings with your alien powers. It's just not fair.
no worries ben.. i hope thats your escort cosworth..
Another great video. I disagree with Progosk though, whenever I watch something I love finding out how it was done. Anyways I have a few guesses, but all of them seem like it must have been slightly uncomfortable for the band.
the band took a beating for sure, but it was worth it. great video ben. i'm with otc, pull our coats to your magic.
I'm with Dick, here. Sure, the Magician's Code is that you never explain your tricks, but that's only to the public. Why, we're all just fellow magicians. Or carnies. Or whatever. Anyway, spill it.