Supersystem "White Light/White Light" dirs. Ben Dickinson & Ron Winter

That screen cap reminds me a bit of Master of the Lamps where you fly thru space tunnels - although the object in that game isn't to get to Bohemian Rhapsody.
The vectograms are great but I can't help but think that the video would be better if they had simplified it. There's too much going on in it, the sped up city/car footage, the performance footage, guy taking subway, random clubbing footage, bohemian rhapsody footage. The sped up city footage seems particularly superfluous and it keeps the video from getting to the vectors quicker, which were the only thing that held my attention. Anyways sometimes less is better.
I agree with everything this is a good vid though.
better link:
i'm so down with the combo of lo-fi graphics and queen ref.
Don't know if this one's right on or right off. The song is insanely petulant and weirdly pedophilic. Visually we see brooklyn hipsters partying (I guess that's what they do) as 8 bit video games surround them (maybe).
What is it....
Spastic and interesting. A bit miss, but with lots of hit. Kinda like the band. :) (We can be thankful for the death of El Guapo)
I think I agree with everyone here. The vid begs me to love it, but I can't quite reciprocate. :( Here's a rose, Ben @>--^--
i love it.
yeah i thought that was awesome. maybe too dense but shit better that then those boring videos that can be barely be watched once. hot girls too.
This a collaboration with animator Ron Winter.
why does ron winter have a .tv domain name? because he's JUST THAT COOL.
Whoa! I think this video's brilliant. I like the torrent of ideas; each has only a tenuous link to the last and suits the bristling electropunk energy of the song.
The only downer for me is the singer. You just get the impression he's a nutter on a club stage but he's told himself 'Uh oh, I'm in a real video now so I'd better behave a bit'
lusk: pedophilic [sic]? for a mere mention of "little girls" and "boys"?!
P: Lyrics are - multicolored light is all around me, but nothing catches my attention light the white light white light of little boys, butterflies, fireflies. A train fulla them. Heading in my direction. A train that was "right".
Not weirdly pedophilic?
erm... noticing the candour of little children hasn't made it onto the pedo-alarm-list yet in my neighborhood. the nabokovian butterflies, you say? honni soit qui mal y pense... (isn't there some sort of v.u. ref - white light/white heat - in this?) oh, and: forgive my "[sic]" - though "pedophilic" is ugly, it appears that it is an accepted alternative spelling.
lusk, please. it's a pop song. who WAS the walrus? save the pedantic commentary for your blog. and 'INSANELY petulant'? you should write for pitchfork!
KD/justin: I don't have a blog. Don't want/need one. I don't write for pitchfork. Don't want/need to. I don't care what kind of song it is. If you're suggesting that "pop" means "dont pay attention" or "let the details slide" than fuck man....why do we even comment on the majority of these promos posted...? What you're suggesting is something more apathetic, and to that, I do not prescribe.
And the beatles reference is misplaced here too, no?
P, you got kids. Maybe I'm stretching, but whacko brooklynites partying to white light little boys doesnt float with me (and not in an alarm way. More or less disinterest in what it is). Cause it's not curious in the way this guy is (and equally, is not):
If anyone has a problem with my previous comments - please ignore. Cause I got a new one to go all around:
Hot shit.*
*Lusk goes pop.
I was in the video so maybe I can help shed a little (white) light on the subject. For my role, Ben directed me to "pretend like I was a little boy" and I said what do you mean? And he said, "Take off your shirt."
It was horrible and I'm ashamed.
Also, Lusk I think you are right. The video would have been way better if it had been vectorg graphics of little girls with penises and guns instead of butterflies. BEN?
Not sure why you guys went down the pedophilic trail when it's clear he's talking, quite unoriginally, about drugs - though I suppose I should appreciate that he wasn't totally lazy and just called the song "white light, white heat".
This is a certain segment of culture out there, especially so-called hipster sect, that refuses to move the dialogue forward in art in an significant way. It's pantomime.
(though the video itself had original aspects and was well put together)
lol, hj. cool ref, thx lusk.
kev - will you please fix the heading so it says ben dickinson & ron winter? truly a collaboration...
yeah, if they had left in the ass shot that was in the directors cut the pedophile folks may have actually had a point.. weird that they still picked up on it, i went back and watched it from this link after reading those comments just to make sure you didnt sneak it back in. alas~!
also its a shame there wasnt time to shoot all of the virtual stage footage off a TV screen, the stuff shot that way looks so much cooler than the afterFX filtered stuff and especially seeing the two in adjacent shots is a slight stumble in the momentum of the FX shots coolness that was building up to that point. still a good time was had by all.
funny that someone posted a darger reference too, i worked on a pitch with ron to do a video inspired by darger but turned into low-fi 3d animation, but it dint go noplace.. but would it have been Art, that is the question that will never be answered now.
sounds like something somewhere between casiotone, monoland and margot... but 3D...?
Kill all previous comments! I love this. Najork is right with the supremely good editing.