The Gossip "Listen Up!" dir. Morgan Dye

Classic cool riot grrrls & their house band
Clever. You spend the whole video waiting for something catastrophic and messy to happen. It also benefits from not prescribing too much to the people in shot: it's like Dye himself doesn't quite know what's going to happen next either.
More soul 'eads than riot grrrls Kev, despite the uniforms Nice, nice, cool vocals! However I don't think I'll be eating pizza for a while sumhow!
fantastic. has a nice larry clark style realness. i liked the non-snynced bass plucking and cowbell cutaways, and the blocking of the singer. the pizza eating was completely unnecessary, it felt forced, neither stylistcally grotesque nor natural.
Yeah, the pizza.. Otherwise, I love this.
Are you kidding? Beth fanning herself with a slice a pizza is my favorite part!
Reminds me of all the cute girls in college who decided they were "Lesbians Til Graduation." Rrrrrrr.
There needs to be more riot grrrl-esque things once again. Tarnation!