Clinic "Harvest (Within You)" dir. Jason Evans

Clinic go Beta Band?
strange. fits&works with the music despite the pretty hapless photography, errant direction & variable editing.
There's a lot of nice visual ideas in here. But this really seemed to undermine itself by having so much stuff. By the end, the haphazardness, pace and sheer volume of images and visual tricks made it feel wearing and meaningless.
Hello, I directed the above video. I've never directed before and maybe it shows but the qualities described above are all positives in my book. Maybe if this video were seen in the larger context of my stills work the aesthetic decisions I made here would be less uncomfortable for these reviewers. For the record : I enjoy so called : awkard, wrong, amateur, vernacular, unartistic, errant, hapless, variable, meaningless. The piece is a largely unrehearsed series of improvisations maybe best not judged, simple seen for what it is. Why compare ? ! : 0 )
Ars longa, vita breva. Verdict is still out on antville.
But I want to know how you pitched it? "Hey, guys let's go play Residents in a field."
There wasn't a pitch in the formal sense. I've been taking the band's photos for a few years and this kind of grew out of that. We share trust and enjoyment of the Psychadelic aesthetic. They wanted me to look at the Pink Floyd film for Arnold Lane and a picture of Heron playing in a field, I was influenced by early 'special effects' as seen on childrens' TV in the 70's and Benny Hill. Domino, the record company, are very supportive and trusting too. I've never seen/heard the Residents, but a few people have pointed out the similarity. The band found the stone circle and wanted the 'peasant' outfits. The evening wear is from the same period in history and was chosen by me as it was Socially 'opposite' to the peasants' gear so they could be masters and servants (relating to my interpretation of the lyric). I feel like nearly everything I do looks a bit like something else. This is inevitable. I teach photography and spend my whole time looking at/researching other people's work, generally stuff I enjoy. It soaks into your head and influences you when you're not even consciously aware. There was no 'story board', just made it up as we went along, I wanted it to look improvised. For me the main thing was to try and integrate performance activity into a whole range of other ritualised actions.