- Del Wire - Zero - Director Xavier Chassaing
This video won a award for best photography at the "Festival International des Arts du Clip" 2005 youtube www.youtube.com Quicktime www.nacopajaz.fr or view on label site www.nacopajaz.fr

nice mp4: telemusicvision-server2.com
some really simple but solid style choices in this. i like the muybridge-meets-daguerrotype atmosphere. props, xavier.
I think u actually mean 'Kinetoscope, or Phantascope coz 'Daguerreotype' woz a direct positive photographic image without recourse to a negative original, perfected by Daguerre in collaboration with Niepce around 1839.
Almost simultaneously Fox Talbot had invented the 'Calotype' or what we know roughly as the negative today
Those History ov Photography lectures have come in useful after all
I'll shut up now coz if you really want to explore the subject, u can wiki or google it for an explanation, more detailed than I could give
erm.. what (i think) i meant was the early photography vibe, mebbe it's just the sepia, there's something antiqueish. whatevs.
Yep Ok! fair enough, no problem, I myself thought it flickerlike as in Kinetoscope projections Further insistence on the Daguerreotype's pacific's is unhelpful and rather useless
Was hoping the concept might develop in more various visual directions, but it is visually captivating as it is and as nofare points out, pretty hypnotic with the music.
Also, on www.boardsmag.com ...