Herbert "Moving Like a Train", dir.: Dominic Leung

(ps: was't a col.blimp joint? not rostered no more, 's he?)
Excellent :)
Thanks guys. Where did you find it? I thought this had slipped under the radar. I'm glad you like it :)
ciao marsheen. what's the col.blimp deal (your work's there but you're not listed)? also: no spare qt copy on your idisk? always a pleasure to come across your stuff.
where? rhapsody has it in real video, but that crashes firefox everytime; music remedy and cliptip link the truncated qt; inertia has it in flash - i converted that.
so simple yet so infectious. i love it.
tangent: So I have to wonder, where do good videos like this get played? I don't live in the UK, so perhaps MTV2 plays 'em, so I've heard, and maybe Rage in Australia or VIVA2 in Germany.
But as a director, marsheen and other less-than-mainstream creatives, do you feel properly rewarded for your work? Where do you find you get the most appreciation?
Is this supposed to be a hommage to Oskar Fischinger? I think it is a bit boring...
- God damn, herberts scale is such a GREAT record, and this track is catchy, popy, wide & sounds a bit like Grace Jones doesn't it?
- and I also loved the vid to it, floats in the beat, supports the brass, I just love it & going to rewatch it ...
and here is a free & legal mp3 from Herbert: www.betterpropaganda.com
Yup, tip top. I'm sure with all the top hats, trains, disco etc. there's some sort of Live And Let Die tie-in. It'll come to me.
Full video: flv (11,8 MB) or flv (9,73 MB).