Emily Haines - Doctor Blind ; dir: Jaron Albertin

hey canada, you tease...anyone got another link to this?
calling jaron, come in jaron...
the video and music gave me goosebumps...i just saw it on muchmusic and this was the only link i could find... i didnt realize it was canada only. sorry! maybe go through a canadian proxy?
Shhh. :)
oooh... luv the colours, subtly weird&creepy like the camerawork; interesting edit, extras, and lovely make-up on her, too. pretty riveting. "repulsion" revisited (the handbag, her non-plussedness at her own hallucination, plus a vaguely deneuveian look to her...). alé, jaron.
(lusk: how d'you come by that lnk?)
Thanks for the link lusk81 (and Mothman for the original post).
I don't see this listed on the Spy Entertainment website ( www.spyentertainment.com ) which is where this director is supposed to be working now.
Where did you get it?
that was so fucking awesome!!!!@!#$@#6!!
weird weird weird i love it though every time i listen to this song chills
agree with progosk
Very good and simple. A real emotion this one gives. Yes.
Brilliant. Great concept, and good pacing too. Holding the payoff until well into the song saves it from losing steam at the end. But the flashing forward in the opening sets you up and gets you through the early scenes in the store. Perfect.
Extremely well done. Congrats Jaron.
love it.
i remember a freddy bond commercial for miller lite with human dominos but it lacked the style, grace and emotional power of this one.
i think this is possibly jarons best yet - well done dude
jaron delivers once again...class. Just goes to prove that concept and execution are still oh so paramount in a sea of music videos that are just plain shite. Then again we need the shite to let these one's breath....to quote (Kubrick, I think)..."If everything is beautiful, nothing is beautiful"
how do i get this song!!!! damn you itunes!!!
mva: hype machine points here and here. just for review, mind you.
Well done, of course, but I like his studio pieces better.
Justifies the medium of music video rather well. It is hard to see this working as a short in the same way.
HANG ON! Hey, I don't want to crash Jaron's Birthday Party or whatever's going on but this has hardly got the jury at D&AD sewn up.
Part of it's to do with the song which is very sloppily performed by Haines' backing band ('The Soft Skeleton'?). But my head scratching at the video centres around the domino people of the final 1/3 which... well I can't put my finger on it but it's dead to me.
Also, I'm ambivalent about introducing additional sound to the song track (when she's looking in her bag). It never worked for Jonathan Glazer's video for Richard Ashcroft's A Song For The Lovers: it's got to be entirely necessary to find it's way in and I don't know that it is here.
Great pace and mood. The human dominoes is a bit of a low spot for me. Its overt strangeness doesn't have the creeping sense of dread of the suddenly empty supermarket, the meaningless rows of merchandise and the vacant CCTV.
Overall though, evocative and beautiful - music and video both.
Nailed it, Ben. I haven't been able to figure out why I didn't get it entirely.
really incredible. it's videos like this that i find really inspiring. i think that i would have done some things differently. like the sound over the music, it's distracting. and i would have used more scenes from the store, and slowed it all down just a tad.
i adore this
She's in Zellers!
i adore this too. best on antville for a long time.