The Album Leaf "Always For You" (dir.: Aaron Stewart-Ahn)

dir otaku-house aka Aaron Stewart-Ahn
so that's where he's been...
Great work.
I like the pace. It really works well for the song. Was this shot on Super 16?
the edit's really one of the strong points here. then the grading. one of the few times i've seen the split used in such an explicit-yet-meaningful way.
nice'un, otaku.
that felt good...
Actually really fucking good, good job Otaku. Awesome cinematography, and like progosk said the edit is right on. I'm wondering who got to go hang gliding on the videos budget? The one plot point I was confused on was the warm vs cold airport meetings at the end. Was one what did happen and one what he wished would happen or is it contrasting an earlier meeting (The couple embracing in the backggorund is a nice touch)? Anyways great work.
airport: cold, earlier, departing; warm, now, reunited. (no?)
stereogum makes it look as though they were given it (by subpop?) as a premiere deal, and chose to use u2b as carrier.
oh, and: nice qt, thx - saw him writing on the white door, now. also: yeah, that end's actually pretty wide open. (again: mighty fine edit.)
Oh so nice, great work, otaku.
It hooks you in right throughout a long track. Gentle and persuasive. Nice one Aaron.
P.S. It's horrible seeing your work trashed by crappy compression. But don't go framing for YouTube! Frame for framing.
YouTube is not the future.
Aaron! Very nice!
This is the future future...
iTV channel... or something...
Well okay then. Frame for the future of YouTube ;-)
ref non-trivial splitscreen:
camille's "au port".
any others come to mind?
here's an mp4.
quite subtly edited, this one is, too. and she's just amazing. got to buy this record.
nice, kev. and look at comment #2...
Can't pretend to be over enamoured with the music, but the video is clever in its editing and full ov visual surprises. Good! I like this
"Closing Time" by Semisonic (directed by Chris Applebaum) is another split screen video that comes to mind.
Nice one Aaron.
Another split screen: Tom Vek - If You Want (Chris Cairns).
really enjoyed this. very nice.