Ira Cohen - The Invasion Of Thunderbolt Pagoda
(for all the mexican,you tube,mtv award crappy videos)

"I must say this is the most chemically abused piece of cinema I’ve ever seen – I actually feel under the influence now, I don’t know if I’m safe to walk home. It’s so narcotic that I’m surprised it’s legal to buy over the counter… all this and it was made in 1968 – one year before Woodstock?"
this is an excerpt from a document filmed by poet, photographer and filmaker Ira Cohen. there's original music by minimalist composer Tony Conrad and some new alternative soundtrack included by Sunburned Hand Of The Man
erm... where's me complementary psilocybin/peyote biscuits&tea?
i tend to think i am too young for this kind of stuff ...
haha too young ? damn too bad, i wonder how they make the liquid effect on that year
flexible mirror will do.
Surprisingly I enjoyed the music n first part ov the clip, very Don Juan Matus meets 'The Doors of Perception' but I found the poetry ov the second part rather pompous and pseudo! As bad as Ginsburg's I'd say
By the way its almost magic mushroom season!