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New Found Glory "It's Not Your Fault (You Can't Come Up with Original Ideas)"

Brett Simon's New Found Glory video a complete ripoff of an excellent Lynx spot directed by Ringan Ledwidge (credits).

New Found Glory "It's Not Your Fault"
Dir: Brett Simon, 2006 (u2b)

Lynx Body Spray "Getting Dressed"
Dir: Ringan Ledwidge, 2005(u2b)

is this really how it's done these days?? Did the ad agency grant permission? Or could/should they sue? Do you think his treatment was just a link to the commercial?

Remember when music videos used to influence commercials? (and they'd usually hire the same director a la Postal Service/Apple, Yuki/Coke)

benroll, September 24, 2006 at 11:15:15 PM CEST

Too close to be coincidence. I just wonder how this happens. Maybe something seen, half-remembered and then later unwittingly regurgitated as an original idea?

I can't understand why a music video director would deliberately rip an idea, unless the brief specifically said to.

najork, September 24, 2006 at 11:23:25 PM CEST

If your work is going to be ripped off, I'd guess it is somewhat validating if the rippoff is not nearly as good.

Seems stranger given how discordant it is with the song.

trans_alt, September 24, 2006 at 11:35:04 PM CEST

I know it's hard as hell to come up with the next Bittersweet Symphony when your writing on 3-4 tracks a week, certainly every billing director rips from time to time, however the trick is to make it your own. This is some lazy shit for sure.

tokyos, September 25, 2006 at 12:09:48 AM CEST

...hhhhmmm....very interesting.....what came first, the chicken or the egg.....?!

spit, September 25, 2006 at 12:26:56 AM CEST

Makes for kind of a dull video. For a :30 spot, the concept is clever-- by the time you get it, its over. For this spot, the concept has no pay-off and feels lifeless by the minute mark. Also, the music is so saccharine that the overall tone of the video is confusingly self-congratulatory and sweet where it should be sexy and sultry.

The bar is low. This could be this year's Panic!/Sin's Not Tragedies.

ai, September 25, 2006 at 1:48:19 AM CEST

Stop the rippoff comments right there. it would take an entire site to argue about this kind of shit.

kevathens, September 25, 2006 at 4:10:20 PM CEST

lynx mov

hassinator, September 25, 2006 at 10:27:01 PM CEST

it does make a refreshing change to see a video rip off an ad for a change but a rip off is what it is.

slack all round.

otaku-house, September 27, 2006 at 7:56:39 AM CEST

It wouldn't take an entire site to call a whore a whore.


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