Goose "British Mode" Dir: Keith Schofield (Quicktime)
interesting-ish optical illusion video for an electro-ish band.
Nice one. This was a 10K video apparently? I nearly scripted but quite simply have run out of favours in the no-budget video arena so had to pass...Boy, labels really get there money's worth out of us suckers!
Does anyone have an idea how they did the effect with the window? Roto?
Keith going for a bit of Albertin and Twist ;) Gondry. Very cool ideas.. The twist effect worked brilliantly: where have we seen that before? Escher? Dali? Video didn't quite build up/tear down its illusion well, though. Still, pretty good.
Father of the twist effect:
Very nice, especially if it was 10k. Simple, perfectly crude but engaging digital effects.
The window is a purely optical effect, no? The twist a time displacement (with high speed camera? You need quite a lot of frames to get it that smooth).
window's definitely just an optical illusion based on the shape/shading of the object.
simple, but fun. crunchy track, too.
no progosk it's more than that.
i'm willing to wager a pastis it is.
paging mr. schofield.....
nice nice a simple but genius idea, well executed
did muse do something simlar with the twist effect about three albums ago?
think it was howard greenhalgh
still this looks ace for the cash and band are very cool
Yeah, isn't it called 'slit scanning' or am I making that up? Greenhalgh did it for Muse (or was it placebo?) and Jonnie Ross did it for Blood of Abraham.
Some really nice touches in this. My favourite has to be the singer having a good yak and then storming back to the set and tear it down with the rest of the band. How often do you see that?
Right! Blood of Abraham.
Soon as I read Greenhalgh I thought Placebo. Nancy Boy does some body weirdness. Greenhalgh also did Soundgarden "Black Hole Sun" in a similar vein. Sednaoui of course messed with bodies once the technology let him..
ah... hassay was spot on. Muse it was. I'm sure I read an article in Shots a few years back (presumably around the time of the Muse vid) that claimed he invented 'slit scanning' (I think I may well be making it up... but it does sound good)... with the help of some super online guy in London. Does anyone know if this is the case or is this all just a dream...
(I like the fact that no-one seems to be screaming "rip-off!" for once... yet...)
Link to the Muse vid?
got bored looking for something other than youtube, so here it is in all it's youtubed glory...
"unintended", real stream here.
The optical illusion of window was neat, but the tear down at the end was very disapointing. It was clear (to me anyways, I agree with progosk on that) that it was a physical object, so pointing to that fact by tearing it apart at the end didn't do anything for me. I would have preferred to see a fourth optical trick instead, something that perhaps related back to the introductory throwing/freezing of instruments or some integegration of the window and the warp?
the window was indeed a physical object, i don't really get how many of you believe it to be anything else, nicely done. Is 10k a small budget for you guys' standards?
speaking of slit scan. for all of you who want to nerd out here is the slit scan mother of all links, great references. just had a video that fell through involving a slit scan technique myself.
I thought slitscan was a technique invented by Douglas Trumbull for 2001: A Space Odyssey.
Anyway, this is a great video Keith.
Keith should be getting a helluva lot more work. He's got the eye trickery plus humanity going on. I still love his notwist video.
j: nerd overload - 4th dimension is where it's at. for those who dare beyond: primers on dimensions 0 to 10 (change the digit accordingly; here's the site they're from; for a continuous flash player, click on "imagining").
progosk: responding to the 'paging Mr. Schofield' & email (for the record I find it super annoying when directors come on and try and explain/justify/defend their work - but i guess this is more of a technical thing):
the window was real: it's called an Ames trapezoid. Here's where I got the blueprints and here's my flash-animatic heavy treatment.
the goo effect: you're right it is viewing the 4th dimension; although through a bunch of 2d slits - (x^4 / x^2 = x^3).
and if anyone for some reason can't get enough there's a 4 minute version that has a less rushed structure but ya know, same shit, just longer.
thanks everyone! this is by far the most antville comments I've got, evar!!1!
Kubrick is correct, otaku, says wikipedia
Thank you keith that was neat. And for the record i remember an old video for the "rita mitsouko" that used the twist effect too.
ai: on s'voit ou pour le ricard?
Thanks for putting your treatment up. It was cool to see how you described and illustrated your idea, and how exactly you were able to actualize it.
The cutout is really nice. Have not seen that used in a such a way.
that was pretty sweet. it reminds me of the cubicle video for rinocerose.
anyone remember the " twist"
Very cool video Mr. Schofield. Thanks for the information on how it was made.
BTW Mr. Schofield, is there a reason long version of the file on your site is Mono audio rather than stereo?
I notice that the smaller version is stereo. Damn you, Keith Schofield. Damn you to hell. This is awesome. How dare you.