Justin Timberlake - My Love (Paul Hunter)

Streaming (Better resolution) YouTube
Pretty sure it's Francis Lawrence...
fucking rip off video of the latest pet shop boy video by don cameron...6 months ago...
Paul Hunter is the director.
queeno is correct. I spoke with someone at HSI and they said Paul Hunter did direct this clip - all six plus minutes of it.
Not sure what mistyrabbit sees as being a rip-off. Seems like Paul's hit "Drop It Like It's Hot" more than like that Pet Shop Boys clip.
Overall the clip is pretty solid, but it just goes on waaaaay too long. This is not the director's fault, and he was forced to keep bringing back set-ups we had already seen over and over again. The guest rapper doesn't even enter until after the 4:30 mark. Day-umm.
I'm sort of deciding if I will keep my blog going, so click on the 30f link above and see the newest posts. Contrary to popular belief, the link will not take you to Shots Rang Out, though perhaps it should.
I read your blog, 30f. I'd encourage anyone who's interested in a balanced interpretation of the art and business of making and enjoying music videos to give it a look.
30f: you're a singular voice, and the insight you provide is rare. what makes you think of quitting?
Unmoved, but diverted. By the video proper I might add - that 1'43" of exploded Don Cameronesque striplighting was the only thing that mitigated against the soporific, irrelevant rap preamble
30f: Bloggers fatigue, eh? With such excellent and insightful posts (singular is correct), I'd surely miss it. ?
30f: I dig the blog, I usually check it about once a week. I hope you keep it up.
Mistyrabbit: I wouldn't call it a rip-off. First off the sleek minimalist performance video genre has been around for way longer than that Pet Shop Boys video. Second, if anything the PSB video is a ripoff of a style popularized by Paul Hunter/Hype Williams/Little X/Benny Boom etc.
Is it good? I think that's debatable. The intro should have definitely been dropped, but there are some clever touches in there (like the flying violins and rubberbands and also some of the set design, the canted angles were nice).
oh come on..what style popularized by paul hunter??? try to make maria carrey and celine dion look hot??? sorry but i am not moved by hunter. actually it's been a while i have not been moved by hip hop videos...
Enjoyed this a lot more after seeing it on TV. Had a great destaurated grading and a minimalist look that didn't get old, even after the 3 minute mark. The 30 second plus camera move at the end is a thing of beauty.
Agreed, although the entire piece got a little long-winded for me, after a while. (re:TV)