Sean Lennon "Home" : Dir. Spike Jonze

Another "why wasn't it on the DVD?" vid. The ever-awesome Cibo Matto members at the end, there.
A couple neat effects in there, but it felt a little amatuerish, like he had a weekend to come up with the concept and shoot it...Maybe I just expect too much out of Spike.
great video. But I fucking hate Sean Lennon.
Any guesses on the leaned back walking? This is the type of video I'd love to see Beck make for his new album, instead of all that obnoxious green screen stuff.
locked off camera. one with clean background, one with talent (I use this word figuratively) - then reveal the background frame by frame over the dolly used to prop him up.
uh yeah, locked off camera, just like the shot he's talking about....
one way to do it is motion control with wires; erase the wires with the background plate.
though this doesn't look like a motion control clip but who knows. Maybe there are wires and we just can't see them.
spike, care to chime in?
either that, or sean just has really strong abs.
Duh, Sean drinks Fosters Twist...
not on the DVD because the song's not on the new CD. It's off his old album Into the Sun
I meant Spike's.
spike did ok (has done better videos...) but what is wrong with sean...??? everything about him makes me want to slap him on the face...