Fatboy Slim - "Champion Sound" - Dir. Steve Glashier
what a stupid idea...
Maybe, but I did watch the whole thing.
Japanese style...
yup do_geese_see_god, you hit it right on the nail, thats exactly what I was thinking when I saw that vid. Still pretty cool but its similarity tainted the viewing for me.
i dunno, i found it mildly entertaining. i would have liked it better if it were not so intentionally amateurish in it's camera work. some great moments turned into missed opportunities. but still, a good effort and i watched it all the way through, which is more than i can say about a lot of videos out there.
you couldn't have done that in my flat, it's too small. I think its time for Fatboy to throw in the towel...
Now thats entertainment, tainted only by its faked ending. I agree its a shame its on the throwaway handheld.
Champion video. I like the handheld-a-like and I even went for the end which, though contrived, ties it all up nicely.
My only gripe is the use of stuff that you'd never find in the house, i.e. about twenty boxed sets of Cluedo - especially after the brilliant incorporation of the crew's biscuits.
How do you know they were the crew's biscuits?
Isn't it a feudal thing? When there are biscuits on a set, they belong to the crew by default, no?
The video for the new single Champion Sound is two girls who took over Norm's house and made a huge domino run from domestic objects and Norm's record collection! This was all filmed on their mobile phones, the Nokia N93 - the first music video ever produced like this don't you know
lol that's his house? here's the first phone vid for nerd's sake
actually the fact that it was shot on Nokia N93's makes me like it less. i wonder how much dough Nokia put up and if they are running some kind of behind-the-scenes or "viral web promotion" featuring the video (ala Sony's Bravia campaign). it's not the visual quality i take issue with, only the fact it wasnt an artistic choice but a advertising one.
This ONLY works because of the amatuerish camerawork. Would this have been cooler with a jib and a 35mm? Of course not.
All kinds of weird pleasure like laughter and gasps interspersed throughout. This would've been an absolute masterwork if said gasps segued the promo into a full on porno.