Tall Hands - Three Full Virginias

Found a Quicktime and an image.
I wonder who will win this epic battle - sanf or crujones? >;)
no hard feelings. just wanted to add an image and couldn't figure out how to do that on crujones' post. sorry crujones. you are my favorite jones.
that was awesome. stop motion is running out of things to animate; but this one hadn't been done. Plus it was
but only a few guys could grow a beard? is the lead singer THAT un-beard-grow-able?
they should've cut their hair too; to be shaved bald. c'mon it's for a music video, ya selfish hipsters.
fun in qt - unbearable on u2b.
(oh, and: how did you "find" that qt, sanfred?)
I guess i will lose this battle then.
progosk...i "found" it on videostatic.com
i really enjoyed this one. says something about the dedication of the band that they were willing to both grow and sacrifice their beards for the sake of the video. the little additional touches like the prehistoric world in the afro and the shaving cream were nice too. i would have liked one or two more of those little twists especially in the last 1/4 of the video, but overall it had a very fun, playful vibe, which always beats out a "hey look what i can do with stop-motion" vibe. cheers mate.