Tilly and the Wall "Sing Songs Along" dir. Kinga Burza

An indie gymna-spree, for Partizan
This band is so great.
Send them to Beijing in 2008. The Chinese won't know what's hit them.
gold medal in happy-bouncy-letics. luv the outfits. great fun.
how Bohemian, lame posers. song bad.
i love this band. fun video.
This video took me through the complete cycle of reactions that I had while watching Science of Sleep in 3 minutes.
"Oh, how charming" "Cute" "What a delightful sense of playfulness" "Boy, I hope it's not like this the whole time" "It's a little too cute, bordering on semi-retardedness" "Uh-oh, it's getting retarded" "Everyone in the frame needs to stop acting cute and get a job" "I find their cute playfulness genuinely annoying and physically painful" "I'm beginning to miss nu-metal."