Seb Martel "Motus" directed by Arno Salters
music promo for french singer-song writer seb martel, directed by arno salters and produced by nose ( premiere heure) lable: corida/ because

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This is very cool Arno. I really enjoyed it. Maybe I should move off to France as well...
too french but still cool
solid vid..pretty cool one taker...kinda wanted to see more litle sets tho. Good job.
I love this video. One of the best I've seen in a while.
The 2:20 - 2:40 sequence really hits the spot for me. Beautiful work Arno!
Great video. 'Tis the season for superb work.
nice wall'o'tricks (the odd gondry ref included).
- Vive le pop!
SPREECH: aren't you a diehard "Camille" fan?? This guy Seb Martel plays guitar on both her albums. Also plays for -M-.
arno-s: yes I'm the diest hard-Camille-fan, I even took long journeys to see her live. and Yeah: seb martel was also on some of her concerts - just listened to some other of his song on His Space but it's maybe a bit toooo lofi, silently for my taste ... - but camille, yeah: SHE'S THE GREATEST ...
ripoff alert. caught this on tv
actually quite a nice copy what was that website that compiles commercials that have ripped off another piece of work?
dir. Nieto @ Paranoid US