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Double Adaptor "200 Nanowebbers" (Dir: Ruth Jarman and Joseph Gerhardt)

YouTube QT

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progosk, November 28, 2006 at 11:43:02 PM CET

woah. if that had just gone somewhere, i'd now be in smithereens.

as is, it's a synth/vis tour-de-force, really intriguingly non-polished yet highly refined. (class this as jazz, too, for me.)

kevathens, November 29, 2006 at 12:07:25 AM CET

Very good, but not quite tour-de-force for me. Would love to see it in higher resolution.

puppers, November 29, 2006 at 1:49:47 AM CET

Yeah, I think that tour left about 5 years ago... but interesting aesthetic nonetheless. Next stop: narrative! Nintendo Wii

clairesquare, November 29, 2006 at 4:58:27 PM CET

I thought it was really pretty. I have to agree about not really going anywhere too different at the end, although there was the change to rectangular shapes and silhouettes. But the shapes were beautifully done, I especiallly liked the way you used subtle shadows and soft focus, really very detailed. The fact that the shapes looked hand drawn gave it a warmer feeling and kept it from being too clean and distant.


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