Worst can mean: overhyped, lazy, derivative, or just plain awful.
Quick with the nominations! The only resource I can suggest is Classic Posts. Note: Cathy Pellow is NOT a music video.
I did a quick google search for worst 2006 and so I'll go ahead and nominate:
Janet Jackson "Call on Me" $3M!!! Hype Williams
Grizzly Bear "Fix It" dir. Japhy Grant
Trash Wednesday "Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds" Micky Modo
Jessica Simpson "A Pubic Affair" directed by Ben Dickinson JOKING!! directed by BRETT RATNER ya know cause they both did roller skating videos....
wait, were the winners crowned from the other categories yet?
i said it then and i'll say it now
Johnny Cash - God's Gonna Cut You Down - dir. Tony Kaye
still makes me want to puke
Hype's "Call on me"
no doubt. the whole thing leaves me feeling .....shitty. i like myself, music, the people around me a lot less because of that video. and i've seen it once.
I really hated CSS "Alala" - cheap, boring, poorly done, band looked bad. I know it was a low budget but for the time all those makeup FX must have taken, she could have done something more interesting. I really liked the song, and I'm a huge fan of stop motion so seeing done so weakly made me sad.
Eros Ramazotti & Anastacia "you belong to me” Dir: Don Allan
hewphewp, my thoughts exactly! alala deserved a much better video.
ah, good to see the cap'n back at the helm - ahoy! (awesome logo, too.)
two obvious choices...
Panic! at the Disco "I write sins not tradgedies" Dir. Shane C. Drake
Massive Attack "Live With Me" Dir. Johnathan Glazer
And what was that one shitty pop-punk video that blatantly ripped off an Axe ad?
oooh good call!
New Found Glory "It's Not Your Fault" Brett Simon
CMarc is right on with TRASH WEDNESDAY. But it's so bad it almost doesnt count.
The video that deserves a pure lawnmower in the face is absolutely:
Johnny Cash - God's Gonna Cut You Down - dir. Tony Kaye
I'd never seen the TRASH WEDNESDAY post. Wow. I'll need to sleep on that and collect my thoughts.
dont forget hype william's hoobastank video and also yeah that shane drake video for panic! at the disco was dreadful. oh and Little X's Nelly Furtado video for "promiscuous" was pretty bad too. yikes.
Cat Power "Lived in Bars" - Chan's lovely, but I reckon Pitchfork never saw this on the telly.
Yeah what's up with the promiscuous video being so lame? As I recall the coloring looked awful and cheap and the concept couldn't have been anymore non-existant. Lil X can do way better.
X pulled his name from the aired video, so it's not clear how that video went wrong. I'd love to see his version of it.
obtusity posted it's ten worst videos of the year yesterday, it's got some good ones, especially the trace adkins and david hasselhoff one.
(deleted a test version of the final list)
Lol - That Trace Adkins vid was 2005, btw
lol on the Jessica Simpson too.. umm, XYZ, Jessica :)
And that Nelly vid shouldn't have a credit on it if ppl wanta play fair in this category..
I'll be creating a new post w/ the poll in due time. Just wondering if anyone has any last minute additions; subtractions (?-I can't believe CSS is on here), etc.
the links provided are all youtube. Just seems appropriate.
2 Thumbs up for Call on Me! Loved it! Why don't you just make a "I hate Hype Williams because he is making all the loot Award>" It will be good therapy for you. Hype's work is by far STILL the tops of the video game. As far as all the nick picky junk you can come up with, for your hater-rade therapy program, Hype is still rocking the benjamins all the way to the bank!