The Shins - "Phantom Limb" dir.Patrick Daughters
love the song, love the video. great art direction, of course. in a way I would have liked to see the theme and the narrative more interlinked but I guess I'll have to chew on that for awhile.
Lovely vid. Definitely requires multiple viewings, I agree with you on that, coady - direct mov
real pretty,but I agree with Coady, I felt like the narrative was going somewhere and then it just ended. Reminded me of the BetaBand video where they sum up the history of war in 3 minutes.
Still pretty to look at, though.
About as interesting as watching a school play starring someone elses kids. Pretty to look at now and again but the edit, narrative & song are really very dull.
Finally, a music video adaptation of the book, "Guns, Germs and Steel."
30f, nice!
I too found myself trying to figure out what the story was (was there any?).
I didn't dislike it but similar to Daughters' Beck video, I wish his storytelling skills were stronger.
good call 30f. I loved the production design and thought the scenes were fun. The child actors that were cast did a nice job as well. Perhaps would have been nice to see the band in a shot in relation tothe stage, but I didn't really care. Actuallly, I woudn't have minded not seeing the band at all. The play was much more engaging.
30f: now that's a great idea. and I did get a little of that with the inca sequence. if they had just focused on one theme, like disease through history, it would have been tighter. in the end I think the joan of arc sequence sinks the story, because 1. it's such a familiar story with a lot of baggage of its own and 2. it takes up most of the video.
ooh, more "childlike fascination". too bad i'm a grown up.