WORST VIDEO OF 2006: Vote!

They're all awful, it's hard to decide which is the worst . . ."Alala" is the nastiest though. By the way guys, are you making sure that people you don't want to vote don't? or are you just keeping tabs and will decide which votes don't count after the ballot is cast?
funny, i actually thought "alala" was one of my favorites this year. oh well, tastes may vary.
And I learned yesterday that "A la la" is what the Glorious Great Budda Heruka shouts as he manifests before you during the eighth day of wandering through samsara.
"His body blazes like a mass of light, his nine eyes gaze into yours with a wrathful expression, his eyebrows are like flashes of lightning, his teeth gleam like copper; he laughs aloud with shouts of 'a-la-la!' and 'ha-ha!' and sends out loud whistling noises of 'shoo-oo!' " (Tibetan Book of the Dead)
the fact that alala is on this list goes to show how random all these best and worst of noms really are. Not saying Im in love with this video but I liked it, and it dosnt belong here. Same thing with promiscuous girl, I get it that the people on this site will never remotely be interested in this genre of video but it was fun, worked for the song and probably was aired more then all the videos nominated in the best of list combined. It guess it dosn´t matter...
i thought "promiscuous" was a boring boring video for an amazing single. Nelly Furtado can't dance and they insisted on her bumping ridiculous moves. The color was ugly and the backgrounds... boring.
"Alala" was a really neat video that I thought was a big improvement over the first one (which was fun, too!)
My theory is that the "Alala" campaign is the work of a disgruntled director who is angry his treatment didn't get picked.
Anyone want to try and "out" hewphewp?
Yeah, I'm feeling the same way about hewp. We're developing a sniff test for these, I think.
I agree with Kev, its hard for me to file Alala under 'bad video.' It's a quircky song that walks the line between artsy experimentation and ironic self-parody and I think the video compliments that nicely. It might not be great, but its certainly not bad. Same deal with the Massive Attack video, it seems like the director achieved what they were going for, even if the end result wasn't particularly mind-blowing. I think the biggest turkeys are always the ones that set out to accomplish a certain aesthetic or emotion, and brick big time. I don't want to point fingers, but if Panic! At The Disco doesn't win, this whole website loses credibility.
Correction: It might not be hewp, actually, but I agree that there's something fishy about the anti-Alala comments that have floated around here. Anyway, I'll drop it, as I'm biased cuz I like the video.
thank you so much for putting Alala on the nomination list. i can't stand that video
What about that Kevin Federline "Dir. Cunningham" monstrosity?
alala is so fresh it hurts. that video is my vote for one of the best of the year. what about that k-fed video for lose control? fed-ex isnt even on the list? is someone here boning that guy?
I just watched Alala twice on the TV. I'd give it a 6 or 7.
The video's worst problem is the stop-motion scenes. You can barely see it in the QT, but the compositing in those scenes is basically non-existent, and very poor (aka low budget). Plus the edit lingered too long on those scenes. The rest of the vid, though, flows nicely, and is better than a lot of vids around in the alterna-90's.
DP Tarin Anderson has definitely added a level of sophistication to Cat's directorial work. Props to both of 'em.
I wish they had utilized the cat a bit more.
heh - I am so not a director, just a frequent lurker and infrequent commenter. I love how suspish y'all are though. What a bunch of paranoid silliness. Anyone who does not agree with me is a bitter scam artist! Come now kids...
Okok, I agree that Alala is probably not the WORST video of the year. I think what got under my skin was there was real potential for greatness there - great song, cute band, even a cool IDEA actually (when you read it in a synopsis). And then the only thing pulled off well was the cat. The director's house cat. Way to go! I'm sure there are much bigger disappointments in the world, that was just mine. Sorry to disagree, Antville. Will someone from Waverly please just post a picture of my head being pooped on to end the scandal?
Hands down it's the Cash video, guys. The Janet Jackson and Panic video are ridiculous and annoying but the Cash video is offensive in every sense. At least in the Panic video, however misguided, they tried to engender a style. The Janet video is just funny and I personally don't believe it took 3 million. The Cash video is a post-humeous piece that could only have made Cash himself puke.
i think a lot of the criticism of the cash video is well-founded, but i also think there is a different way to look at it, written here, which makes it less offensive, sort of.
I want Panic at the Disco to win because wasn't it the VMA for best video?
Though there was a video directed by the same dude I saw this year in which he camoed as himself, in which he in slow mo called action on the set, which I thought was hilarious.
But there's no way you can tell me Cat's $5k video for "alala" which came together in a few days (disclaimer: i wrote on it too and the band tells me they were given like 30 treatments for a $5k video that was going from booked to shot in a handful of days, and Tarin is my frequent collaborator) is anywhere near as bad as a puke inducing slick reprise of a deodorant commercial. I'd say Cat's video is perfect for that band and she did a better job than my treatment. In all honesty I'll bet cat doesn't like me much these days but i wonder why all her work on antville always gets a knee jerk negative reaction.
That New Found Glory video not only doesn't work, reeks of everything wrong with music videos today (it's like a bullet point list of the eye roll inducing notes you get from a major label for a video), and again, borrows its main conceit from a deodorant commercial.
no way, iluvmmj23.
rubbish, otak. bright eyes got some grief, but on the whole the first css, cake and her death cab were pretty well received. let's not overdo the haterade quota...
closing polls in less than 24 hours.... do your last minute ballot stuffing...