antville Music Video Awards 2006
(say hi to) The Winners !
after the FUN had by all, here's this year's motion-stopper: the 2006 antville Music Video Awards' winner for BEST ANIMATED VIDEO, Adam Bizanski, shares some insights into his parable for Wolf Parade's "Modern World".

adambiz, over to you:
"(I tend to strutter on the acceptance speeches front...Something to go live.. let's see..) I'd say this much (on record): Antville is a truly inspiring resource to me personally, and is becoming even more so thanks to its community. So.. big thanks to all antvillians, even bigger thanks to the kind people who put this award (show?) together, and big props to nominees and winners alike.
Here's a link for commentary to the video I've made a while back, which I'm pretty sure only a few got to watch: studiodaily flash player ; direct flv link.
Merry Christmas, Happy Hanuka, God bless!"